1. Poisoning of domestic animals, especially cattle and sheep, caused by eating white snakeroot or rayless goldenrod and characterized by muscular tremors and weakening. Also called milk sickness
乳毒症:家畜中毒,尤指牛和羊,由食用白色蛇根草或无边花的黄花引起,表现为肌肉颤抖和虚弱等症状也作 milk sickness
2. Poisoning of domestic animals, especially cattle and sheep, caused by eating white snakeroot or rayless goldenrod and characterized by muscular tremor s and weakening.
3. Poisoning of domestic animals, especially cattle and sheep, caused by eating white snakeroot or rayless goldenrod and characterized by muscular tremors and weakening.
4. Disease of livestock and especially cattle poisoned by eating certain kinds of snakeroot.
1. any of various North American plants of the genus Liatris having racemes or panicles of small discoid flower heads
Synonym: blazing star button snakeroot gayfeather gay-feather
2. a plant of the genus Sanicula having palmately compound leaves and unisexual flowers in panicled umbels followed by bristly fruit
reputed to have healing powers
Synonym: sanicle