




scarcest 基本解释
缺乏的,罕见的( scarce的最高级 );
scarcest 双语例句

1. So, repeat again: The only value you can ever create must come from customers, your scarcest resource. It's time for companies and their managers to behave accordingly.


2. Indeed, some management thinkers have described it as the scarcest resource in most organisations.


3. We need to cherish proven project managers who understand practice leadership: They are probably the scarcest resource in every company.

4. Holland is a country with poor natural endowments in agriculture: in terms of per capita quantity of cultivated land, it is the scarcest country in the world;


5. Then credit becomes the scarcest resource during the China commodities comparatively overmuch economy period.

6. Credit becomes the scarcest resource in the excess merchandise period, which is more severe in China.


7. Integrity is now one of the scarcest resources in China.

8. The new economy has come, and knowledge becomes the scarcest resource to respond to the market opportunity quickly and obtain competitive advantages.


9. Their rights are the most vulnerable, while the right remedies available for them are the scarcest.

10. In the knowledge economy, knowledge capital is the source of core competence, and talents as the knowledge carrier have become the scarcest resource.


11. The agro-pastoral ecotone of North China is a typical ecological fragile and undeveloped area with a cold-arid climate, scarcest resources, economic poverty and degrade ecology.


12. For Chinese cotton producing farmers, the land is the scarcest factors of production, so the ratio between different crops planting acreage is a best index to measure agricultural producers'will.

13. For all of us, our scarcest resource is time.

14. Petroleum is one of the most important strategic resources, and meanwhile, is one of the scarcest resources in China.

15. Panda is one of the scarcest animals.

16. Time is the scarcest resource of the manager.

17. I've written before that two of the resources that are scarcest in our society are time and attention.