scare away

scare away [skeə əˈwei]  [skɛr əˈwe] 

scare away 基本解释
scare away 相关例句


1. The high price scares away any possible buyers.

scare away 网络解释

1. 吓跑:scarcity 缺乏 | scare away 吓跑 | scare buying 抢购

2. 把. . 吓跑:scare 及物或者不及物动词 u scared me, a child who easily scares, | scare away 把. . 吓跑; | scary 使人惊慌的:引起害怕或恐惧的;

3. 驱逐:Evil spirit 妖怪 | Scare away 驱逐 | Crackle 劈劈啪啪

4. 把.......吓走:get as close as possible to the animals尽可能靠近动物 | scare .....away把.......吓走 | make a discovery作出发现

scare away 单语例句


1. The authors stressed that they were not trying to scare people who need CT scans away from having them.

2. Separatists in Kashmir and rebels in the northeast have in the past launched attacks to try to disrupt celebrations or scare people away.

3. Take him home and put him in your doorway to scare away those mice!

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. The huge difference between the group buying and original prices scare many people away, doubting the quality of the surgery.

5. They made loud sounds to scare away fish and dropped glutinous rice dumping into the water to lure them away from Qu's body.

6. As he waved a stick to scare them away, he tumbled over the edge and died in hospital from head injuries.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. Police shot into the air to scare looters away from a shopping center, and crowds responded by hurling rocks and chucks of concrete.

8. The school's gatekeeper tried to scare the snake away, but in its fright it slithered up into the branches of the nearby tree.

9. Fred and Velma would reveal that the malevolent presence was actually a real person, posing as a ghost to scare others away from some selfish scheme.

10. And some local governments are also reluctant to support trade unions for fear that organizing the workers will scare away foreign investors.

scare away 英英释义


1. cause to lose courage

    e.g. dashed by the refusal

    Synonym: daunt dash scare off pall frighten off frighten away scare