
scare [skeə(r)]  [sker] 





scare 基本解释


及物动词使惊恐,惊吓; 使害怕,使恐惧; 把…吓跑

不及物动词受惊吓; 感到害怕

名词恐慌; 恐惧; 惊恐,惊吓

形容词骇人的,令人恐惧的; 引起恐慌的; 用以吓唬人的

scare 同义词

动词startle appall alarm terrify frighten unnerve horrify

scare 反义词

及物动词calm comfort quiet soothe encourage assure

scare 相关词组

1. scare up : 凑合;

scare 相关例句



1. I was scared of the big dog.

2. He was horribly scared.

3. The watchdog scared away the thief by barking.


1. My horse scares easily.

scare 网络解释

1. 惊吓:两个生物都要靠别的生物的移动能力来造成伤害,耀鎚复仇者靠的是前袭(Advance)与游击(Skirmish),无皮死神靠的是驱离(Expel),惊吓(Scare)与魅惑(Lure),虽然惊吓与魅惑比其他能力难用,因为有移动方向的限制,

2. 害怕:留下了伤疤(scar)看见(e)伤疤(scar) ,人会害怕(scare)用围巾(scarf)敷(f)在伤疤(scar)上扫描就是往死(s)里看(can)因为缺乏(scant) ,

3. 吓:你甚至可以将刀刃分配给不具效用的能力,像是当敌人没有未交战生物时启动惊吓(Scare)能力. 但是你不可以在有刀刃能力可以被启动的情况下不分配刀刃. 某些能力具有修正值. 例如,废止(Nullify)能力能抵销同区格中的刀刃能力;

4. 棒头:Sandblaster 沙土障碍 | Scare 棒头 | Scissors action 剪式击球法

scare 词典解释

1. 惊吓;使惊恐;使担忧
    If something scares you, it frightens or worries you.

    e.g. You're scaring me...
    e.g. What scares me most is that I'm going to end up not being married...

2. 惊吓;惊恐
    If a sudden unpleasant experience gives you a scare, it frightens you.

    e.g. Don't you realize what a scare you've given us all?...
    e.g. We got a bit of a scare.

3. 恐惧;恐慌
    A scare is a situation in which many people are afraid or worried because they think something dangerous is happening which will affect them all.

    e.g. ...the doctor at the centre of an Aids scare...
    e.g. Despite the scare there are no plans to withdraw the drug.

4. scare

4. (炸弹或安全)恐慌
    A bomb scare or a security scare is a situation in which there is believed to be a bomb in a place.

    e.g. Despite many recent bomb scares, no one has yet been hurt.
    e.g. ...a security scare over a suspect package.

5. see also: scared

相关词组:scare away scare off scare up

scare 单语例句

1. It was an act against the Swedish people to scare them and not me.

2. scare是什么意思

2. A scarecrow patent is not asserted by the patentee in an infringement action, but nevertheless serves to " scare off " potential infringers or competitors.

3. An old Chinese adage says that you kill a chicken to scare the monkeys.

4. scare的反义词

4. The food and drug administrators have finally rolled up their sleeves and are busy killing a chicken to scare the monkey as is their wont.

5. Obama's remarks Monday were the first heard from him on the Christmas Day scare three days earlier.

6. scare的反义词

6. The latest food safety scare flared when clenbuterol was allegedly detected in live sheep that had been sold in North China.

7. It was close enough to see their prey, but not close enough to be seen and scare off their victims.

8. British confectionery giant Cadbury reportedly faces prosecution under British and European laws following a salmonella food scare last June.

9. The strategy of current ads is to demonize smoking in hope that the innate fear of death would scare the tobacco users out of smoking.

10. The criminal complaint said the suspect told investigators she wanted to scare her grandmother but didn't want her dead.

scare 英英释义


1. scare在线翻译

1. a sudden attack of fear

    Synonym: panic attack

2. sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events

    e.g. panic in the stock market
           a war scare
           a bomb scare led them to evacuate the building

    Synonym: panic


1. cause fear in

    e.g. The stranger who hangs around the building frightens me
           Ghosts could never affright her

    Synonym: frighten fright affright

2. scare

2. cause to lose courage

    e.g. dashed by the refusal

    Synonym: daunt dash scare off pall frighten off scare away frighten away