
scares ['skærəs]  ['skærəs] 







scares 基本解释
煤中黄铁矿薄片;恐吓,使惊恐( scare的第三人称单数 );受惊吓,感到害怕;
scares 网络解释

1. 砂岩中透镜状煤体:scarcity 缺乏 | scares 砂岩中透镜状煤体 | scarf 嵌接;斜嵌槽

2. 稀有:Suitable 合适的,适宜的 appropriately | Scares 稀有 rare | Resemble 类似 look like

3. 班次剩餘座位數:resticket 訂票相關資料 | scares 班次剩餘座位數 | customer 顧客訂票網站的目錄

scares 单语例句

1. scares的解释

1. Plus, how many lazy Pavlovian scares does Aja throw out in the first act?

2. The recent food scares have driven people to eat more canned food, especially beef and poultry products.

3. Prepare for spine tingling scares and a feast of frights a classic ghost story hits the screens this week.

4. Frequent food safety scares are beyond people's comprehension, challenging their already frayed nerves and weakening the trust in the food industry.

5. A number of crippling financial crises and public health scares have threatened to bring the city to its knees during the last 15 years.

6. scares是什么意思

6. Analysts say economic crime in China scares away foreign investors and could hinder domestic investment and savings.

7. Despite repeated government pledges to " crack down " on food industry standards and inspections, safety scares continue to erupt one after the other.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. The move follows recent food safety scares over the use of waste industrial gelatin in food and pharmaceutical products.

9. The scares included tainted wheat gluten for pet food and children's toys found to contain excessive lead levels.

10. The " fake " wine revelations come hot on the heels of last year's spate of food security scares.