



seances 基本解释
降神会( seance的名词复数 );
seances 双语例句

1. They were so chummy, these two, that sometimes, in order to gratify her curiosity (and also in the vain hope of inspiring her by his prowess), Van Norden would arrange to hide her in his closet during one of his seances.

2. Houdini in his later life became very interested in spiritualism and seances because of the great loss he felt upon the death of his mother.

3. Identical reasoning guides our thinking about Berkshire`s investment. We will be buying business — or small parts of business, called stocks — year in, year out as long as I live (and longer, if Berkshire`s directors attend the seances I have scheduled).
    同样的道理套在 Berkshire 的投资思惟上,我们会一直买进企业(或企业的一部份,也就是股票),在我还活着的期间都将持续地买(如果我死后,Berkshire 董事会还愿意接受我透过降灵、观落阴所下的指示,那该期间就会更长)。

4. On the average seances of radiation were twenty-two. The mean accumulated radiation dose was 31.09 J/cm2. The major side effects were mild erythema and pruritus, its incidence was 33%.

5. Tania is a fever, too – les voies urinaires, Café de la Liberté, Place des Vosges, bright neckties on the Boulevard Montparnasse, dark bathrooms, Porto Sec, Abdullah cigare notttes, the adagio sonata Pathétique, aural amplificators, anecdotal seances, burnt sienna breasts, heavy garters, what time is it, golden pheasants stuffed with chestnuts, taffeta fingers, vaporish twilights changinging to ilex, acromegaly, cancer and delirium, warm veils, poker chips, carpets of blood and soft thighs.


6. Tania is a fever, too – les voies urinaires, Café de la Liberté, Place des Vosges, bright neckties on the Boulevard Montparnasse, dark bathrooms, Porto Sec, Abdullah cigarettes, the adagio sonata Pathétique, aural amplificators, anecdotal seances, burnt sienna breasts, heavy garters, what time is it, golden pheasants stuffed with chestnuts, taffeta fingers, vaporish twilights turning to ilex, acromegaly, cancer and delirium, warm veils, poker chips, carpets of blood and soft thighs.