
sheepherder [ˈʃi:phɜ:də(r)]  [ˈʃi:phɜ:rdə(r)] 

sheepherder 基本解释


sheepherder 网络解释


1. 牧羊人/养羊的人:sheepfold /羊圈/ | sheepherder /牧羊人/养羊的人/ | sheephook /牧羊杖/

2. 牧羊人,养羊人:herder牧民,放牧者 | sheepherder 牧羊人,养羊人 | recorder记录员,录音员

3. 牧羊人 (名):sheepfold 羊栏 (名) | sheepherder 牧羊人 (名) | sheepish 懦弱的, 羞怯的 (形)

sheepherder 双语例句


1. He saw his shadow in sheepherder`s body.

2. According to one story, a sheepherder named Kaldi as he tended his sheep noticed the effect of coffee beans on behavior.

3. Wish God bless me, as the sheepherder protects flocks of sheep.

4. Ordinarily the sheepherder should go to look for the lost one laying the others aside.

5. I find The Simian`s trailer and it reminds me of my own salad days living out of an Airstream making money hand over fist as a freelance sheepherder.

6. I find The Simian's trailer and it reminds me of my own salad days living out of an Airstream making money hand over fist as a freelance sheepherder.


7. The sheepherder is more tired because of the100 sheep more.

8. A few days later, the angel came back to thank the sheepherder and asked what he wanted.


9. The sheepherder drove a group of sheep to the hillside.

10. After eating and putting on the warm clothes, the angel began to explain to the sheepherder what had happened to him.

11. Oh, yeah, didn't the sheepherder Iive up in tavern on the green?

sheepherder 英英释义



1. a herder of sheep (on an open range)
    someone who keeps the sheep together in a flock

    Synonym: shepherd sheepman