
shepherd [ˈʃepəd]  [ˈʃepərd] 








shepherd 基本解释

名词牧羊人,羊倌; 牧师; 指导者

及物动词带领,引导; 牧(羊),放牧; 照看

shepherd 相关例句


1. The passenger were shepherd across the tarmac to the airliner.

2. I shepherded them to the lobby.

3. The passengers were shepherded across the tarmac to the airliner.


1. The shepherd and his dog gathered in the sheep.

shepherd 网络解释

1. 牧人:4.牧人(Shepherd) 群羊的大牧人,将羊群授权给在主之下的牧人, 要他们保守羊群免受豺狼(假教师)的攻击,并带领 羊群到青草牧场(纯正教导)(参结34章;约21:15; 徒20:28~31).主已把牧人的恩赐及职责分给教会.

2. 牧羊者:shelter 隐藏处 | shepherd 牧羊者 | sheriff 郡治安官

3. 牧羊犬:stone golem-高仑石头怪 | shepherd-牧羊犬 | dobermann -杜宾狗

shepherd 双语例句

1. And it is significant of the general trend of ecclesiastical authority that not only were works which formerly enjoyed high standing at broad-minded Alexandria--the Apocalypse of Peter and the Acts of Paul--involved by Athanasius with the apocrypha, but even some that Origen had regarded as inspired--Barnabas, the Shepherd of Hermas, the Didache--were ruthlessly shut out under the same damnatory title.
    这是显著的但总的趋势是教会权威,不仅工程前身是享有崇高的地位,在宽阔的胸襟亚历山大-启示彼得与行为的保罗-涉及at hanasius与a p ocrypha,但即使是一些人认为,渊源已被视为灵感-巴纳巴斯,牧羊人的h ermas,d idache-被无情地拒之门外根据同一da mnatory冠军。

2. Scene: Shepherd climb mountain and cross waters to look for lost sheep.

3. I will also break in pieces with thee the shepherd and his flock; and with thee will I break in pieces the huandman and his yoke of oxe and with thee will I break in pieces captai and rulers.
    51:23 用你打碎牧人和他的群畜。用你打碎农夫和他一对牛。用你打碎省长和副省长。


4. Have once, the shepherd catches piggy, the horselaugh number calls, resisting like forty.


5. Sometimes you need to be held by your Shepherd.


6. The swan flew further, away over the bright green meadow, where the little shepherd-boy, only seven years old, had lain down in the shadow of the old and only tree there was.

7. I am the good Shepherd, and I know My own, and My own know Me
    10:14 我是好牧人,我认识那属我的,那属我的也认识我

8. I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me

9. The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.

10. He just fell into the devil`s trap of self-glory, and wanted to be a prophet instead of a shepherd.

11. Early every morning, a shepherd took his flock of sheep out in the fields to graze.

12. Numerical results show: when the viscous force is absent, generally there exist liberate, circulate and chaotic regions in the surface of the section, and only those particles originally lie in the liberate region can be shepherded when viscous is present; (2) as for the role in the shepherding of the ring, corotation resonance may be as same important as eccentric resonance; (3) eccentricity and mass of the shepherd satellite have important effects on the size and type of liberate region, thus they influence the extension of confined particles and the eccentricity of the ring; (4) the shepherding of the whole inner edge and most part of the out edge of ∈ ring are explained, within the uncertainty of the observed masses of shepherds.


13. Pastor et Nauta/Shepherd and Navigator: John XXIII (1958 -1963), patriarch of Venice led his flock to a modernization of the Church through the Ecumenical Council.

14. Vt.筛, 滤 A Shepherd's Wife As she watched her husband shove off on the ship bound for another country she shuddered because she knew it would be many years before she would see him again.

15. It was soon obvious that the little German shepherd crossbreed would be a''.


16. However I do enjoy the atmosphere of the misty rain was not accompanied by Jiangnan and can not find traces of Heng Fa Chuen, nor the shepherd boy, but I also enjoy the drizzling rain at the River walk slowly, but not may also be under the umbrella of the family passed away heart filling moments are full of warmth, in the past years at this time only a happy, they metamorphosed into a wave at the butterflies Fantasy My dreams, even though the need to wake up, even though the inevitable sad, but in this Vanity Fair society does not have such a sentimental happy it is different.

17. Weep no more, woful shepherd, weep no more

18. He recited jerks of verse with odd glances at the text:-- Weep no more, woful shepherd, weep no more For Lycidas, your sorrow, is not dead, Sunk though he be beneath the watery floor...

19. Says the shepherd's purse is the best in March, with a faint fragrance of nature.


20. The Candy Cane: Represents the shape of the shepherd's crook, used to

shepherd 词典解释

1. (尤指男性)牧羊人,羊倌
    A shepherd is a person, especially a man, whose job is to look after sheep.

2. 带领;引领;护送
    If you are shepherded somewhere, someone takes you there to make sure that you arrive at the right place safely.

    e.g. She was shepherded by her guards up the rear ramp of the aircraft.

shepherd 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. This year the conservationist group Sea Shepherd has chased Japan's whaling ships for thousands of miles and thrown bottles of rancid butter to disrupt operations.

2. shepherd的意思

2. People at the shelter dined on American chop suey and shepherd's pie and watched " The Polar Express " in the cafeteria.

3. They were eventually informed that a German shepherd had broken out of its cage in the luggage compartment and was wreaking havoc there.

4. shepherd的意思

4. Clashes between the whalers and opponents have escalated in recent years, and a Sea Shepherd boat sunk after a collision with a whaling ship last January.

5. Sea Shepherd made the videotape and provided a copy to Associated Press Television News.

6. shepherd在线翻译

6. Police also released another photograph of a suspect who tried to detonate a bomb on a train near the Shepherd's Bush subway station.

7. shepherd的意思

7. Matthew feels like a " shepherd " and a " king " now he is a parent and says it is a responsibility he has always dreamed of having.

8. It was a victory for Obama a day after his nominee to shepherd his broad health care agenda stepped aside amid tax problems.

9. Japan's government released video of protesters launching smoke canisters from a Sea Shepherd ship and dropping ropes and nets to entangle the Japanese vessels'propellers.

10. shepherd的意思

10. One of their best is a duet between the shepherd and his lover.

shepherd 英英释义



1. a herder of sheep (on an open range)
    someone who keeps the sheep together in a flock

    Synonym: sheepherder sheepman

2. a clergyman who watches over a group of people


1. tend as a shepherd, as of sheep or goats

2. watch over like a shepherd, as a teacher of her pupils