
sickly [ˈsɪkli]  [ˈsɪkli] 



sickly 基本解释


形容词令人作呕的; 有病的; 苍白的; 疾病流行的

动词使现病容; 使苍白

sickly 相关例句



1. He was a sickly man.


1. Bill went sickly pale.

sickly 网络解释


1. 多病:to be sick, to be ill 患病 | sickly 多病 | ailment, complaint 疾病

2. 病弱的:sickliness 多病 | sickly 病弱的 | sickness 疾病

3. 多病的(样子):sick 病的 | sickly 多病的(样子) | 101. imaginary 想象中的;幻想的

4. 令人作呕的:9.savory 使人开胃的 | 10.sickly 令人作呕的 | 11.sour 酸

sickly 词典解释

1. 常生病的;虚弱的;健康欠佳的
    A sickly person or animal is weak, unhealthy, and often ill.

    e.g. He had been a sickly child.

2. (通常指因为太甜而)让人恶心的,令人作呕的
    A sickly smell or taste is unpleasant and makes you feel slightly sick, often because it is extremely sweet.

    e.g. ...the sickly smell of rum.

3. (颜色、灯光等)暗淡的,苍白的,微弱的
    A sickly colour or light is unpleasantly pale or weak.

    e.g. Wallpapers for children too often come only in sickly pastel shades.

sickly 单语例句

1. Allow me to describe some factors of the sickly Japanese situation and to list some silver bullets which might cure the illness.

2. Flick through women's magazines and you'll see sickly anorexic models who look like moons on sticks.

3. Many historians had insisted that the true heir escaped and the sickly boy who died was a substitute.

4. sickly的解释

4. Ma claimed she was born sickly and the TCM treatments featured in the book were crystallized from her personal experience of battling illness.

5. sickly的近义词

5. But surely the chef could do better than serving up limp chicken and beef sandwiches on sickly sweet bread.

6. sickly的解释

6. Lin Daiyu is the sickly but passionate protagonist, who rebels against social conventions.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. They fear people will find it a bit too sickly - as though they are rubbing his wife's face in it.

8. Gray Davis, reviled by the voters for his handling of the state's sickly economy.

9. Tan said the girl has been sickly after her mother was sold by human traffickers and killed when the child was just five months old.

10. On that day many sickly mothers had brought their sickly children to the hospital.

sickly 英英释义


1. unhealthy looking

    Synonym: sallow

2. sickly的意思

2. somewhat ill or prone to illness

    e.g. my poor ailing grandmother
           feeling a bit indisposed today
           you look a little peaked
           feeling poorly
           a sickly child
           is unwell and can't come to work

    Synonym: ailing indisposed peaked(p) poorly(p) unwell under the weather seedy