
slur [slɜ:(r)]  [slɚ] 






slur 基本解释

及物动词诽谤; 含糊地说; 连唱

名词诋毁; 含糊发音; 连唱线

slur 相关例句



1. The drunk man slurred his words.

2. When a man is drunk his speech is slurred.

3. Don't slur my brother's reputation!

slur 网络解释


1. 圆滑线:圆滑线(Slur)与连结线(Tie) 圆滑线可包含两音以上且音高不等的音符、连结线只限於同音高且两音之间、圆滑线(Slur)的弹奏方式及有连结线(Tie)的拍值计算乐句线(Phrase) 乐句线是相当於口语或作文一句话的音乐语句(特别注意与圆

2. 连线:分句(phrasing)、连奏、跳音、顿音、重音、小連线(slur)等标记对钢琴发声和演奏都十分重要,要认真标示出来. 当然力度记号、速度记号这些常规音乐标记则更不在话下. 在即兴演奏时,同样应对上述标记有明确的表达,以使您演奏意图更明确,

3. 忽视 污点:noesis 理智, 纯理性的理解, [心]认识 | slur 忽视 污点 | semitone [音]半音, 半音程

4. 含糊的发音:不清楚地发出:slurp 啜食 | slur 含糊的发音:不清楚地发出 | vestigial 退化的,发育不全的

slur 词典解释

1. slur的解释

1. 毁谤;诋毁;侮辱性的言辞
    A slur is an insulting remark which could damage someone's reputation.

    e.g. This is yet another slur on the integrity of the Metropolitan Police.
    e.g. ...racial slurs.

2. (由于醉酒、生病或困倦等)含糊不清地说,大着舌头说
    If someone slurs their speech or if their speech slurs, they do not pronounce each word clearly, because they are drunk, ill, or sleepy.

    e.g. He repeated himself and slurred his words more than usual...
    e.g. The newscaster's speech began to slur...

Her speech was so slurred as to be almost incomprehensible.
slur 单语例句

1. slur是什么意思

1. An Israeli Cabinet minister apologized yesterday after being caught by television cameras using a racial slur in addressing an Arab police officer.

2. Terry has strongly denied hurling a racist slur at Ferdinand during Sunday's stormy west London derby at Loftus Road.

3. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has accepted the apology of a disc jockey fired for using a racial slur to describe her.

4. Chinese kids can be forgiven for thinking Japan is a nation of " devils, " a slur used without embarrassment in polite Chinese society.

5. The headline was an idiom that contains a word that also can be used as a racial slur against Chinese.

6. It is through its application in slavery that it has come to be seen by many as the most offensive racial slur in English.

7. slur的翻译

7. He said he had meant to say " coup " instead of the slur.

8. slur什么意思

8. A replacement poster was defaced with a death threat and a racial slur.

9. slur是什么意思

9. Jonathan Rhys Meyers made a racial slur when he was banned from boarding a plane.

10. The man also makes a racist slur in one of the tapes.

slur 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. a blemish made by dirt

    e.g. he had a smudge on his cheek

    Synonym: smudge spot blot daub smear smirch

2. a disparaging remark

    e.g. in the 19th century any reference to female sexuality was considered a vile aspersion
           it is difficult for a woman to understand a man's sensitivity to any slur on his virility

    Synonym: aspersion

3. (music) a curved line spanning notes that are to be played legato


1. slur是什么意思

1. become vague or indistinct

    e.g. The distinction between the two theories blurred

    Synonym: blur dim

2. slur

2. utter indistinctly

3. slur

3. speak disparagingly of
    e.g., make a racial slur

    e.g. your comments are slurring your co-workers

4. play smoothly or legato

    e.g. the pianist slurred the most beautiful passage in the sonata