
spokespeople ['spəʊksˌpi:pl]  ['spoʊksˌpi:pl] 




第三人称复数:spokespeople; spokespersons

spokespeople 基本解释
众发言人,众代言人;发言人,代言人,辩护士( spokesperson的名词复数 );
spokespeople 单语例句

1. Spokespeople for China's Commerce Ministry and cabinet news office did not immediately respond to requests by phone and fax for comment.

2. spokespeople什么意思

2. We are seeing less and less models and more and more celebrity spokespeople.

3. Spokespeople at Chinatrust and Cathay Financial didn't immediately reply to calls seeking comment.

4. spokespeople的意思

4. Besides, many scholars are fast becoming spokespeople for special interest groups.

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5. " We want the Viva Girls to be spokespeople for Chinese culture, " Wen says.

6. There are now over 90 spokespeople in 70 departments of the State Council, and 13 departments of the CPC Central Committee have created similar posts.

7. When talking about the public spokesperson system, Zhao said a dozen nationwide training classes have been held for public spokespeople.

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8. " The president has not and would not ask his spokespeople to pass on false information, " she said.

9. The Supreme People's Court will train spokespeople and publicity officials of courts nationwide in the second half of the year.

10. Netanyahu on Tuesday ordered his ministers and spokespeople not to talk publicly about the building plan.