
steamroller [ˈsti:mrəʊlə(r)]  [ˈsti:mroʊlə(r)] 







steamroller 基本解释



steamroller 网络解释


1. 蒸汽压路机;用压路机碾压;用高压压倒;粉碎:带蒸汽夹套的冷凝器 steam-jacketed condenser | 蒸汽压路机;用压路机碾压;用高压压倒;粉碎 steamroller | 蒸汽分离包 steam-separating drum

2. 蒸汽压路机/强行压倒:steamroll /用压路机碾/粉碎/压倒/以不可抗拒之力前进/ | steamroller /蒸汽压路机/强行压倒/ | steamship /汽船/轮船/

steamroller 词典解释

1. (蒸汽)压路机
    A steamroller is a large, heavy vehicle with wide, solid metal wheels, which is used to make the surface of a road flat. In the past steamrollers were powered by steam.

2. (以权利、压力)迫使,逼迫,强行
    If you steamroller someone who disagrees with you or opposes you, you defeat them or you force them to do what you want by using your power or by putting a lot of pressure on them.

    e.g. They could simply steamroller all opposition.
    e.g. ...the Prime Minister's attempt to steamroller the general into a job he did not want.

steamroller 单语例句

1. steamroller的翻译

1. Local Chinese media were equally scornful of the decision to let the steamroller of modernization chew up the stadium.

steamroller 英英释义


1. steamroller是什么意思

1. vehicle equipped with heavy wide smooth rollers for compacting roads and pavements

    Synonym: road roller

2. a massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way

    Synonym: juggernaut


1. steamroller

1. make level or flat with a steamroller

    e.g. steamroll the roads

    Synonym: steamroll

2. overwhelm by using great force

    e.g. steamroller the opposition

    Synonym: steamroll

3. steamroller在线翻译

3. crush with a steamroller as if to level

    e.g. steamroller the road

4. proceed with great force

    e.g. The new teacher tends to steamroller

    Synonym: steamroll

5. steamroller的近义词

5. bring to a specified state by overwhelming force or pressure

    e.g. The Senator steamrollered the bill to defeat

    Synonym: steamroll