
steamy [ˈsti:mi]  [ˈstimi] 



steamy 基本解释

形容词色情的; 蒸汽的,充满水汽的; 雾重的,潮湿的

steamy 网络解释

1. 蒸汽的, 多蒸汽的:basic magnesite 碱性菱镁矿石 | steamy 蒸汽的, 多蒸汽的 | Occidentally 照西式

2. 蒸汽的:steamtight 汽密的 | steamy 蒸汽的 | steapsin 胰脂酶

3. 粘乎乎的,(形容天气闷热):Steamed fish 清蒸的鱼 steamed adj. | Steamy 粘乎乎的,(形容天气闷热)adj. | Lead sb by the nose 把...人牵着鼻子走(完全控制...人)

4. 多蒸汽的:steamvapor 汽 | steamy 多蒸汽的 | steamy 蒸汽的

steamy 词典解释


1. 色情的;激情热辣的
    Steamy means involving exciting sex.

    e.g. ...a steamy thriller set in France...
    e.g. He'd had a steamy affair with an office colleague.

2. (地方)闷热潮湿的,充满水汽的
    A steamy place has hot, wet air.

    e.g. ...a steamy cafe...
    e.g. The air was hot and steamy from the heat of a hundred bodies.
           空气由于 100 个人散发的热量变得又热又闷。

steamy 单语例句

1. The actress has angrily dismissed claims that her steamy sex scene in new movie The Black Dahlia is an unnecessary distraction.

2. Steamy shots of the couple are the order of the day to plug the new pong.

3. steamy的解释

3. England's Ian Poulter and Justin Rose also made heavy work in the fickle conditions, seeing their hopes of lifting the trophy disappear in the steamy atmosphere.

4. The " House of Wax " actress asserts that she didn't support the release of steamy video with her ex lover Rick Solomon to made more cash.

5. steamy

5. I set out on my quest one steamy afternoon, thinking I could work my way through a fair number before the effects kicked in.

6. The air is heavy with the smell of sweat and smoke in a steamy bar in a Beijing hutong.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. The pair then headed for strip club Spearmint Rhino where their " steamy show " in the limo was reportedly more " sizzling " than a lap dance.

8. steamy的解释

8. Nicole Kidman was " impressed " by her husband Keith Urban's steamy Playgirl shoot.

9. steamy的反义词

9. The steamy rendezvous was believed to have been Amy and Blake's first meeting in 14 months.

10. The pot Ten Shang serves is not steamy, so diners don't have to worry about ending up in tears while enjoying the meal.

steamy 英英释义


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. feeling great sexual desire

    e.g. feeling horny

    Synonym: aroused horny randy ruttish turned on(p)

2. steamy什么意思

2. hot or warm and humid

    e.g. muggy weather
           the steamy tropics
           sticky weather

    Synonym: muggy sticky

3. filled with steam or emitting moisture in the form of vapor or mist

    e.g. a steaming kettle
           steamy towels

    Synonym: steaming