
stopover [ˈstɒpəʊvə(r)]  [ˈstɑ:poʊvə(r)] 


stopover 基本解释


stopover 网络解释

1. 中途停留:問: 中途停留 (Stopover) 是什麼意思?环亚特惠套票容许持票人中途停留几次?問: 转机 (Transfer) 是什麼意思?可转机几次?問: 中途停留(Stopover)是什麼意思?环太平洋特惠套票允许中途停留几次?問: 转机(Transfer)是什麼意思?

2. 经停:比较意外的是Tina告诉我从北京回美国的路上,可以经停(stopover)日本东京,后来我又查到在东京可以办shore pass,所谓的落地签,可以有72小时,并且可以出机场.

3. 中途下车暂停:itinerary, route 旅行路线 | stopover 中途下车暂停 | stage 停歇点,中间站

4. 中途停留 (转机):37. sail 航行 | 38. stopover 中途停留 (转机) | 39. terminal (飞机,汽车)终点站

stopover 词典解释

1. 中途停留
    A stopover is a short stay in a place in between parts of a journey.

    e.g. The President had talks during a brief stopover in Lisbon with his Portuguese counterpart...
    e.g. The Sunday flights will make a stopover in Paris.

stopover 单语例句

1. stopover在线翻译

1. It was making a stopover on a flight from the capital Kinshasa to the town of Bukavu in neighboring South Kivu province.

2. The flight has a stopover in Hohhot, capital of north China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region.

3. stopover

3. Tongling Tourism Bureau and other municipal tourism institutions have paid more attention to stopover and characteristic travelling early this year.

4. I had asked Wang to show me his Dali, not the usual view of this popular Yunnan tourist stopover.

5. They arrived early Saturday from the Dominican resort of Punta Cana with a stopover in Panama.

6. stopover的意思

6. " I am going to do everything I can to press both sides, " he said on his plane en route to a stopover in Jordan.

7. A quick stopover in Ningbo city is recommended if only to visit one of its exquisitely decorated churches.

8. Nazarbayev carried the Olympic flame as the first torchbearer in April last year through Almaty, the first stopover of the 2008 Games torch relay outside the Chinese mainland.


9. The eight freed Chinese hostages left Amman on Tuesday after stopover in Amman's international airport on their way home from Baghdad.

10. Bruce Lee Ancestor's House less than a 1 km from the park is another stopover for Lee's fans despite its humbleness and sparse furnishings.

stopover 英英释义


1. a brief stay in the course of a journey

    e.g. they made a stopover to visit their friends

    Synonym: stop layover

2. a stopping place on a journey

    e.g. there is a stopover to change planes in Chicago

    Synonym: way station