
stupefaction [ˌstju:pɪ'fækʃn]  [ˌstju:pɪ'fækʃn] 

stupefaction 基本解释


名词惊呆; 麻木状态

stupefaction 网络解释


1. 昏迷:stump 残肢 | stupefaction 昏迷 | stupor 木僵

2. 麻醉:stupefacient 麻醉药品 | stupefaction 麻醉 | stupefy 麻木

3. 麻木状态, 麻醉:benefaction 恩惠, 善行, 施予 | stupefaction 麻木状态, 麻醉 | rarefaction 稀疏, 变成稀薄, 变稀薄, 稀薄

4. 麻醉/昏睡/昏迷:stupefacient /使麻醉的/ | stupefaction /麻醉/昏睡/昏迷/ | stupefied /愣/

stupefaction 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. the action of stupefying
    making dull or lethargic

    e.g. the professor was noted for his stupefaction of the students

2. stupefaction的解释

2. marginal consciousness

    e.g. his grogginess was caused as much by exhaustion as by the blows
           someone stole his wallet while he was in a drunken stupor

    Synonym: grogginess stupor semiconsciousness

3. a feeling of stupefied astonishment