
swirl [swɜ:l]  [swɜ:rl] 







swirl 基本解释


不及物动词旋转,打旋; 眩晕; 盘绕; 大口喝酒

及物动词使成漩涡; 使眼花; 打转; 弯曲盘旋

名词(水,风等的)旋转,漩涡; <美>弯曲; 涡状形; 卷状的东西

swirl 相关例句



1. The water swirled about his feet.


1. Swirls of smoke rose through the trees.

swirl 网络解释


1. (旋涡):明暗器基本参数选各向异性,高光50,光泽30,漫反色选平铺,为纹理加一张噪波,为颜色1和颜色2各加一张木材(wood)贴图,为每个木材加旋涡(swirl),如果没有旋涡贴图,请到菜单中的自定义-插件管理器中加载.

2. 漩涡:您可以利用 ACDSee7 简单易用的相片编辑工具来消除红眼、强化影像轮廓、切割图片、调整曝光、加强色彩与光线、消除杂讯、重订尺寸、旋转、转换档案格式,也可以进行如复古调(sepia)、漩涡(swirl)、膨胀(bulge)、油画(oil paint)效果等特效处理.

3. 旋转:用户可使用的坐标系有:的卡尔坐标系,柱坐标系,极坐标系和轴对称坐标系.如果所计算的问题是轴对称的,激活旋转(swirl)选项即可算出垂直于对称 平面的速度分量.

4. 摇晃:(B) 浓稠度 (Viscosity),经过摇晃 (Swirl) 酒杯之后,在杯璧上留下一条酒痕,有人称之为〝葡萄酒眼泪 (Tears)〞或〝拱门 (Arches)〞或〝人类的腿 (legs)〞. 凡这种现象表示酒的浓稠度较浓,也就是酒精浓度和含糖量都较多,

swirl 词典解释

1. (使)打旋;(使)旋动;(使)起旋涡
    If you swirl something liquid or flowing, or if it swirls, it moves round and round quickly.

    e.g. She smiled, swirling the wine in her glass...
    e.g. The black water swirled around his legs, reaching almost to his knees...

swirl 单语例句

1. Onlookers gasped as the human missile shot toward the roiling swirl, detonating a frothy explosion upon impact.

2. Out of nowhere swarms of colorful fish started to swirl around my feet.

3. That is because folklore says all the evil and ghosts that swirl around at night leave once cocks make their morning calls.

4. In the swirl of the controversy 30 years ago, people swarmed to the airport to gape at the unclothed figure.

5. swirl的翻译

5. The college was in a swirl of controversy, after media reported that it attempted to sell land to get out of the debt.

6. Dancers grind and swirl and switch partners, a smooth blend of technique and hips.

7. His speech at the State Department was meant to counter criticism that he has been slow and inconsistent in responding to the swirl of events.

8. Raise and swirl the beer gently in the bottle to see its color and check the label.

9. Rumors continue to swirl on Apple's potential cooperation with China Mobile Ltd, the world's biggest telecom carrier with a customer base of more than 700 million.

10. swirl的解释

10. The resulting swirl of white milk and dark sweet paste has an intense milk flavor.

swirl 英英释义



1. the shape of something rotating rapidly

    Synonym: whirl vortex convolution


1. flow in a circular current, of liquids

    Synonym: eddy purl whirlpool whirl

2. turn in a twisting or spinning motion

    e.g. The leaves swirled in the autumn wind

    Synonym: twirl twiddle whirl