
thoroughbred [ˈθʌrəbred]  [ˈθɜ:roʊbred] 


thoroughbred 基本解释


名词纯种的动物(尤指马); 受过严格训练的人,有教养的人

形容词纯种的,良种的; 受过严格训练的,有教养的; 第一流的,优秀的

thoroughbred 网络解释

1. 纯种马:与此相比,纯种马(Thoroughbred)的身高为160至165厘米前后,而体重则达450至550公斤,无论是体重还是身高和原产日本马都不是同一个重量级的. 但是,不能单单因为这点而低估日本战国时代军马的潜力和否定骑兵战术的存在.

2. 純血馬:盎格鲁-阿拉伯马是两种世界有名高贵品种的混合:纯血马(Thoroughbred)与阿拉伯马(Arabian),事实上盎格鲁(Anglo)代表的就是纯血马的产地英国. 在英国盎格鲁-阿拉伯马必须是只有纯血马和阿拉伯马的后代,而在其它国家也会引进当地品种的血统,

3. 良种的:thorough-paced 彻底的 | thoroughbred 良种的 | thoroughfare 通路

4. thoroughbred:th.; 英纯种马

thoroughbred 词典解释

1. 纯种马
    A thoroughbred is a horse that has parents that are of the same high quality breed.

2. 良种赛马
    A thoroughbred is a particular breed of racing horse.

    e.g. ...a thoroughbred stallion.

thoroughbred 单语例句

1. Dr Lawrence Chan takes out his kit of acupuncture needles and considers his patient, a beautiful chestnut thoroughbred mare.

2. I preferred the 2004 because of its elegance and beauty - like a thoroughbred racehorse, all muscle and power yet at the same time elegant and surefooted.


3. " Bobby Frankel was one of the greatest trainers in thoroughbred racing history, " National Thoroughbred Racing Association president and CEO Alex Waldrop said.

4. thoroughbred

4. The funds will be used mainly for the reconstruction of pig farms, the purchase of thoroughbred pigs and vaccinations.

5. The funds will be used for the reconstruction of pig farms, the purchase of thoroughbred pigs and vaccinations.

thoroughbred 英英释义



1. a pedigreed animal of unmixed lineage
    used especially of horses

    Synonym: purebred pureblood

2. a racehorse belonging to a breed that originated from a cross between Arabian stallions and English mares

3. a well-bred person


1. having a list of ancestors as proof of being a purebred animal

    Synonym: pedigree(a) pedigreed pureblood pureblooded