
uncouth [ʌnˈku:θ]  [ʌnˈkuθ] 

uncouth 基本解释


形容词粗野的; (生活等)不文明的; 不舒适的; <古>不知道的

uncouth 同义词


形容词awkward uncultured crass clumsy boorish gross uncivilized ungainly unpolished base vulgar crude common rude barbarous coarse

uncouth 反义词

形容词civilized elegant refined

uncouth 相关例句


1. She may embarrass you with her uncouth behavior.

uncouth 网络解释

1. 粗俗的:uncourteous 粗鲁的 | uncouth 粗俗的 | uncover 揭开

2. 粗野,笨拙:turncoat 变节者,叛徒 | uncouth 粗野,笨拙 | unwonted 不寻常的,不平衡的

3. 粗野的 讨厌的 恶心的 无知的 愚蠢的 至少:But I will say this. Even though you're a vulgar man,|但... | boorish, distasteful, uncouth, uneducated, stupid, at least...|粗野的 讨厌的 恶心的 无知的 愚蠢的 至少... | - You gonna finish? - Done.|- 说...

4. 粗鲁的;笨拙的:tumid#肿胀的 | uncouth#粗鲁的;笨拙的 | abridge#缩短;删节

uncouth 词典解释

1. (人)粗野的,粗鄙的,粗鲁的
    If you describe a person as uncouth, you mean that their behaviour is rude, noisy, and unpleasant.

    e.g. ...that oafish, uncouth person.

uncouth 单语例句

1. uncouth

1. Some experts attribute the uncouth behavior to Chinese people's lack of awareness of public property and selfishness.

2. uncouth什么意思

2. Every one of us must reflect on whether we have had such uncouth behaviour during our lives.

3. Professor Meng Wei believes the government should not punish everyone for the sins of an uncouth minority.

4. Real men demanded the world accept them on their own uncouth, unkempt terms.

uncouth 英英释义



1. uncouth

1. lacking refinement or cultivation or taste

    e.g. he had coarse manners but a first-rate mind
           behavior that branded him as common
           an untutored and uncouth human being
           an uncouth soldier--a real tough guy
           appealing to the vulgar taste for violence
           the vulgar display of the newly rich

    Synonym: coarse common rough-cut vulgar