
vex [veks]  [vɛks] 








vex 基本解释


及物动词使烦恼; 使苦恼; 使生气; 详细讨论

动词〈诗〉使激荡,使汹涌; 纷纷议论; 长期争论

vex 同义词


动词provoke trouble disturb irritate gravel irk aggravate annoy

vex 反义词



vex 相关词组


1. vex oneself : 独自烦恼;

vex 相关例句


1. Let us not vex the question.

2. His continuous chatter vexes me.

3. She was vexed at her failure.

4. His mother was vexed with him for his laziness.


1. It is vexing to have to wait a long time for him.

vex 网络解释


1. 伐克斯:Mana恢复速度提升 15%;不会被冻结;从被杀怪物身上得到金币增加 50%;得到魔法物品的几率提升 25% 寂静(Silence) 近战型武器 6个符 多尔(Dol)+艾德(Eld)+海尔(Hel)+伊司特(Ist)+特尔(Tir)+伐克斯(Vex) 伤害提升 200%;

2. 使烦恼:veer#(风)改变方向 | vex#使烦恼 | vindicate#辩明;主张

3. 不要将你的关心变成别人的负担:Use 不要用爱情做为武器去利用别人 | Vex 不要将你的关心变成别人的负担 | Will 不要轻易的许诺未来

4. 激怒:veto 否决 | vex 激怒 | vexation 苦恼

vex 词典解释

1. 使恼火;使困惑;使伤脑筋
    If someone or something vexes you, they make you feel annoyed, puzzled, and frustrated.

    e.g. It vexed me to think of others gossiping behind my back...
    e.g. Everything about her vexed him.

Exporters, farmers and industrialists alike are vexed and blame the government.
There remains, however, another and more vexing problem.
vex 单语例句

1. The problem of " courier " traders who vex locals in their daily lives is no more than a temporary phenomenon.

2. The reform will frustrate mining companies by increasing their costs and vex policymakers by adding to inflationary pressures.

3. Palmer also blames poor nutrition - lack of protein in particular - for the slender frames that vex many Chinese players.

4. Pingtan teams have received invitations to the VEX Robotics World Championship to be held next year in the United States.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. While China's college and university graduates have had difficulty finding good jobs, a shortage of skilled vocational workers has continued to vex the country's industries.

vex 英英释义


1. be a mystery or bewildering to

    e.g. This beats me!
           Got me--I don't know the answer!
           a vexing problem
           This question really stuck me

    Synonym: perplex stick get puzzle mystify baffle beat pose bewilder flummox stupefy nonplus gravel amaze dumbfound

2. subject to prolonged examination, discussion, or deliberation

    e.g. vex the subject of the death penalty

3. vex的反义词

3. change the arrangement or position of

    Synonym: agitate disturb commove shake up stir up raise up

4. disturb the peace of mind of
    afflict with mental agitation or distress

    e.g. I cannot sleep--my daughter's health is worrying me

    Synonym: worry

5. cause annoyance in
    disturb, especially by minor irritations

    e.g. Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me
           It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves

    Synonym: annoy rag get to bother get at irritate rile nark nettle gravel chafe devil