violent death

violent death [ˈvaiələnt deθ]  [ˈvaɪələnt dɛθ] 

violent death 基本解释


violent death 网络解释

violent death在线翻译

1. 暴力性死亡:然而令人费解的是,研究者同时发现服用过避孕药的女性暴力性死亡(violent death)的比率相对较高. 该研究表明,口服避孕药不仅不会增加患病和死亡的危险,还能为女性提供保护甚至让女性更为长寿. 而且,汉纳福德仔细地确认了研究结果,

2. 暴力死 由能量大或作用强的 外来因素造 成的死 亡:unnatural death 非自然死 | violent death 暴力死 由能量大或作用强的 外来因素造 成的死 亡. | virginal membrane 处女膜

3. 狂暴死:violation 强奸 | violent death 狂暴死 | viral antigen 病毒抗原

violent death 单语例句

1. These caustic environments led to violent conflicts that resulted in the death and displacement of millions.

2. Many believe that violent crimes would become even more rampant if our criminal code abandoned the death sentence.


3. Six of the federal charges provide for the death penalty, alleging that Muhammad used a firearm while committing a violent crime that killed a person.

4. ATHENS - The latest Greek general strike on Thursday was marred by the death of a protester when a march turned violent.

5. The death toll recorded by the Baghdad morgue was an average of 357 violent deaths each month from May through April.

6. Their violent crimes had led to the death of two people and the injury of 22 others.

7. His violent crimes led to the death of two people and the injury of 22 others.

8. It was the second violent death linked to Italy's top league soccer this year.

9. That compares with an average of one violent death a month in 2002, he said.

10. Some have estimated that a million Iraqis have died a violent death since 2003.

violent death 英英释义

violent death的近义词


1. violent death的解释

1. an event that causes someone to die

    Synonym: killing