
violin [ˌvaɪəˈlɪn]  [ˌvaɪəˈlɪn] 



violin 基本解释


名词小提琴; 小提琴手

violin 相关词组

1. play first violin : 担任第一小提琴手, 当第一把手;

violin 相关例句



1. He's the first violin at Vienna Philharmonic.

2. He was the first violin of the orchestra.

3. Do you play the violin?

violin 网络解释


1. 小提琴:作者的最新作品是以古典音乐为背景的感官创作<<小提琴>>(Violin),以及扣人心弦的不朽者复活之作<<吸血鬼阿曼德>>(The Vampire Armand). .

2. 小提琴 ","小提琴:小提琴 小提琴(violin)是一种超擦奏管弦得鸣提乐器. 它广泛流传于世界各国,是现代管弦乐队弦乐组中最主要的乐器. 它在器乐中占有极重要的位置,是现代交响乐队的支柱,也是具有高度演奏技巧的独奏乐器. 现代小提琴的出现已有300多年的历史,

3. 梵哑铃:倍司bsss | 梵哑铃violin | 披耶那piano

violin 词典解释

1. 小提琴
    A violin is a musical instrument. Violins are made of wood and have four strings. You play the violin by holding it under your chin and moving a bow across the strings.

    e.g. Lizzie used to play the violin.
    e.g. ...the Brahms violin concerto in D.

violin 单语例句


1. Violinist Chai will also give a solo performance of Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto.

2. Zheng Quan believes a violin has life and soul, and says carving a violin is like giving birth to a baby.

3. violin

3. These children have never seen a violin or a cello and now they are experiencing the joy that only music can bring.

4. The viola is a middle voice of the stringed instruments, between the violin and the cello.

5. Now she is a professor of violin at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing.

6. But after the tragic love story was made into a violin concerto even foreigners have appreciated it.

7. Shortly after she premiered the Chinese violin concerto Butterfly Lovers in 1959, its fame quickly spread around the globe.

8. violin的意思

8. " Many Westerners have heard the violin concerto but few known the story behind it, " says Tsai.

9. violin

9. It is the composer's only violin concerto as well as one of his best works.

10. The Feb 16 program will feature Violin Concerto in E Minor by Mendelssohn, with Janine Jansen as the violinist.

violin 英英释义


1. bowed stringed instrument that is the highest member of the violin family
    this instrument has four strings and a hollow body and an unfretted fingerboard and is played with a bow

    Synonym: fiddle