
visit [ˈvɪzɪt]  [ˈvɪzɪt] 






visit 基本解释

及物/不及物动词访问; 参观; 游览; 探望


名词访问,参观; 逗留


visit 相关例句



1. The prime minister visited several factories in our city.

2. Poets were often visited by fits of gloom.

3. Famine visited this region.


1. He is visiting in Taipei.


1. I paid a visit to my former English teacher.

visit 情景对话


A:Do you like traveling?

B:Yes, I've just come back from Scotland.

A:Where did you visit?

B:I only had time to visit Edinburgh.

A:How did you like it?

B:It's fantastic.

A:Why did you go there?

B:I went there on business.

A:And do you have friends there?

B:Yes, a lot of friends.

A:You must have enjoyed yourself.

B:Yes, and I took many pictures.


A:Would you mind telling me the purpose of your visit to the U.K.?

B:I am here to study at a university.

A:May I see your passport?

B:Of course, here you are.

A:Would you please open the suitcase? What are these?

B:They are Chinese medicine. Some pills only.

A:Are they gifts for friends?

B:Oh, no. They are for my own use.

A:Could you tell me the ingredients?

B:They are made of herbs.


A:The central Hotel, please. I have to be there by 6:00
      去中央旅馆,我必须在6 点钟赶到那儿。

B:We shouldn’t have any trouble if the traffic isn’t too heavy. Is this your first trip here?

A:Yes. I’ve never been here before.

B:You haven’t seen the sights yet, have you?

A:No, I’m open to suggestions.

B:Why don’t you visit the Great Wall first?

A:That’s a good idea.

B:Here we are. That will be seven yuan and seventy cents.
      我们到了,车费是7 元7 角。

A:Thanks a lot. Here’s ten yuan. Keep the change.
      非常感谢,这是10 元,不用找了。

visit 网络解释


1. 参观:这里肯定是去参观(visit)名胜. 8.B. 除了死亡的之外,其余还有一半多的学生受伤(injured)了. 3.A. 人们到商店是来买(buy)东西的. 5.A. 这个女孩是先拾起钱包才会发现(found)里面有钱的. 而不是预先知道(know)的. 14.A.

visit 词典解释

1. 看望;拜访
    If you visit someone, you go to see them and spend time with them.

    e.g. He wanted to visit his brother in Worcester...
    e.g. He was visited by an old friend from Iraq...

2. 访问;参观;游览
    If you visit a place, you go there for a short time.

    e.g. He'll be visiting four cities including Cagliari in Sardinia...
    e.g. Caroline visited all the big stores.

3. 访问,浏览(网站)
    If you visit a website, you look at it.

    e.g. For details visit our website at

4. 上门咨询(专业人士);(专业人士)上门服务
    If you visit a professional person such as a doctor or lawyer, you go and see them in order to get professional advice. If they visit you, they come to see you in order to give you professional advice.

    e.g. If necessary the patient can then visit his doctor for further advice...
    e.g. A doctor will visit you in your apartment.

5. (不快之事)降临在…身上
    If something very unpleasant is visited upon you, it happens to you.

    e.g. Violence is visited upon us every day...
    e.g. Death and suffering had been visited on thousands of innocents.

相关词组:visit with

visit 单语例句

1. A British business delegation led by Mandelson are scheduled to visit China at the end of April.

2. He said the visit was cut short after officials realized the man was trying to pursue " very personal " business with Fritzl.

3. The aim of the visit was to strengthen trade and business services relations between the cities.

4. As for Shanghai businesswoman Hu Xiaoyun, her Taiwan visit will include a medical examination.


5. Obama will visit a bustling construction site that bears little resemblance to the pit that became ground zero in the months after the attack.

6. visit的解释

6. It was encouraging that buyers from over 110 countries and regions have registered to visit the show.

7. A visit led by the province's Party Secretary produced a contract of $ 3 trillion.


8. The youngest cyclist by the name of Li indicated that he would visit Tibet again if possible.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Medvedev's visit brought immediate action from Japan, which also claims sovereignty of the archipelago.

10. The piece was made by the president on the eve of 2007's Spring Festival during Hu's visit to a village in northwestern Gansu Province.

visit 英英释义




1. a temporary stay (e.g., as a guest)

    Synonym: sojourn

2. the act of going to see some person in a professional capacity

    e.g. a visit to the dentist

3. visit是什么意思

3. the act of visiting in an official capacity (as for an inspection)

4. the act of going to see some person or place or thing for a short time

    e.g. he dropped by for a visit

5. visit

5. a meeting arranged by the visitor to see someone (such as a doctor or lawyer) for treatment or advice

    e.g. he scheduled a visit to the dentist


1. assail

    e.g. He was visited with a terrible illness that killed him quickly

2. impose something unpleasant

    e.g. The principal visited his rage on the students

    Synonym: inflict bring down impose

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. talk socially without exchanging too much information

    e.g. the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze

    Synonym: chew the fat shoot the breeze chat confabulate confab chitchat chit-chat chatter chaffer natter gossip jaw claver

4. go to certain places as for sightseeing

    e.g. Did you ever visit Paris?

    Synonym: travel to

5. come to see in an official or professional capacity

    e.g. The governor visited the prison
           The grant administrator visited the laboratory

    Synonym: inspect

6. pay a brief visit

    e.g. The mayor likes to call on some of the prominent citizens

    Synonym: call in call

7. visit的近义词

7. go to see a place, as for entertainment

    e.g. We went to see the Eiffel Tower in the morning

    Synonym: see

8. stay with as a guest

    e.g. Every summer, we visited our relatives in the country for a month