
yahoo [ˈjɑ:hu:]  ['jɑ:hu:] 


yahoo 基本解释


名词雅虎; (英国作家Swift小说中<<格列佛游记>>中的)人行兽; yahoo此字可追溯到格利佛的<小人国游记>,yahoo的意思是各种野蛮; 粗鲁的人

yahoo 网络解释

1. 杨致远:当然,今天的搜索技术早巳不再局限于杨致远(Yahoo)和谢尔盖>布林(SergeyBrin.Google)最早开创自己的搜索王国时所设想的互联网搜索,它已演进出桌面搜索、位置搜索、关系搜索、垂直搜索等等不同领域、不同层面的更为智能、更为细分的搜索技术.

2. 雅虎新闻:全球知名的Deloitte & Touche管理顾问公司前日公布北美科技企业过去5年,成长最快速公司,该公司以地理区域画分,评选出成长最快速的50大;无论在加州或矽谷两个不同区域中,前三名公司皆由华裔人士创办,分别是杨致远 (新闻|) 的雅虎 (雅虎-新闻) (Yahoo)、成建中的远届(P

3. 奇摩:在台湾,奇摩(YAHOO)相当于国内的百度,在台湾是搜索引擎里是老大. 第一次接到台湾的网站优化,真不知从何而入手,台湾的SEO相对落后. 从SEO排名工具到SEO手册,都是完全不公开的,想要得到这些,还得高价从专业网络公司里购买. 中小企业更是吃 ...

4. yahoo:(yet another hierarchically organized list 另类分层组织表

5. yahoo:yet another hierarchical officious oracle; 此乃另一处非官方的分层次神谕之地,雅虎(国外著名网站,由三名斯坦福大学的博士生创建)

yahoo 词典解释
Pronounced /jɑː'huː/ for meaning 1, and /'jɑːhuː/ for meaning 2. 义项1读作 /jɑː'huː/, 义项2读作 /'jɑːhuː/。

1. yahoo的意思

1. (用于表示极度高兴或兴奋)哇,啊
    People sometimes shout 'yahoo!' when they are very happy or excited about something.

2. 招摇的年轻人;富家公子
    Some people refer to young rich people as yahoos when they disapprove of them because they behave in a noisy, extravagant, and unpleasant way.

    e.g. ..a typical City merchant banking yahoo.

yahoo 单语例句

1. Alibaba Group has been negotiating with Yahoo to buy back its stake but those talks have stalled over the terms.

2. The move came following Alibaba's failed attempts to buy back a stake owned by Yahoo last year.

3. The report said Yahoo's position would not be threatened over Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer's remark about the company's plan to buy out Yahoo.

4. Miller is trying to raise money to buy out Yahoo, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

5. yahoo的近义词

5. LOS ANGELES - The US Software giant Microsoft's bid to buy out Yahoo has been decried as tactics to torpedo Yahoo's business.

6. Yahoo sports dubbed Zhang as China's Yao Ming in combat sports who may create a buzz in the most populated country fuelling the sport's expansion.


7. It's the latest twist in the drama that has been swirling around Yahoo since it fired Carol Bartz as CEO five months ago.

8. yahoo是什么意思

8. A survey published by Web research company Yahoo Value Insight in July said 61 percent of Japanese cell phone owners use applications almost every day.

9. yahoo

9. Bostock also said Icahn misrepresented Yahoo's dealings with Microsoft, saying the investor relied on allegations in a lawsuit filed in Delaware Chancery Court.

10. The move leaves Yahoo Chief Executive Officer Jerry Yang to prove he can revive sales and the share price by keeping the company independent.

yahoo 英英释义


1. a person who is not very intelligent or interested in culture

    Synonym: yokel rube hick hayseed bumpkin chawbacon