
abhorrent [əbˈhɒrənt]  [əbˈhɔ:rənt] 

abhorrent 基本解释




abhorrent 相关例句


1. It's abhorrent to my idea.

2. Violence is abhorrent to him.

abhorrent 网络解释


1. 令人憎恶的:她发誓断绝(abjure)这种令人憎恶的(abhorrent)联系. 男修道院院长很吃惊(be getnaago)并且无所不能忍受(abide)她的中止(abeyance). 于是她决定退位(abdicate). 她停止了唯一很简单的仪式(ablution),然后眼里含着闪耀的(ablaze)泪花离开了修道院.

2. 可恶的:abhorrence 痛恨 | abhorrent 可恶的 | abhorrer 憎恶者

3. 厌恶的:违反国际惯例contravenes international practices | 厌恶的abhorrent | 对以色列的坚定支持its stalwart su ort of Israel

4. 可恶的, 格格不入的:abhorrence || 痛恨, 憎恶 | abhorrent || 可恶的, 格格不入的 | abhorrer || 憎恶者, 厌恶者

abhorrent 词典解释

1. 令人憎恶的;使人厌恶的
    If something is abhorrent to you, you hate it very much or consider it completely unacceptable.

    e.g. Racial discrimination is abhorrent to my council and our staff...
    e.g. There are many people who still find the act of abortion abhorrent.

abhorrent 单语例句

1. Immoral deeds are top office complaints, occupying 9 spots on the " Top 10 Abhorrent Office Behaviors " list.

2. Perhaps confusion and desperation associated with doomsday fears could send many a sick and abhorrent mind into a violent tizzy.

3. abhorrent是什么意思

3. But animal cruelty is abhorrent to most Czechs, and treatment of farm animals was a hot topic in recent campaigns for parliamentary elections.

4. As long as this world is dominated by men this kind of abhorrent situation will not improve.

5. MADRID - International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge on Monday condemned that the murder of 13 members of the Iraqi taekwondo team was " abhorrent ".

6. danci.911cha.com

6. US President Bill Clinton has condemned the attacks as " abhorrent " and said every effort would be made to catch the bombers.

abhorrent 英英释义


1. offensive to the mind

    e.g. an abhorrent deed
           the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee
           morally repugnant customs
           repulsive behavior
           the most repulsive character in recent novels

    Synonym: detestable obscene repugnant repulsive