






allies 基本解释
盟军;联盟国,同盟者;同盟国,同盟者( ally的名词复数 );支持者;
allies 网络解释

1. 盟友:而他们不是为盟友 (Allies)的军队.这个能力可以被赋予於任何属於东方圣殿的狮鹫信仰者 (Faithful) 之上. 当他被启动的时候他可以传递三点的暂时信仰点数给他附近 30 公分内也属於东方圣殿的模型身上 (并不需要视线) .

2. 協約國:苏联政府已就波兰流亡政府有关两国关系的声明作出答复,并附照会建议寇松线(Curzon Line),即协约国(Allies)在1919年提议的边界,可作为建立协议的基础. 这等于将波兰东部地区并入苏联. (→15/2)威廉.斯利姆中将的英国第十四集团军昨夜夺占孟都,

3. 盟邦:第二点也仍在转变发展中,但最起码从里根总统开始,每届总统大选,不管哪一党的政策论述,都会强调盟邦(allies)很重要;到这次的选战也还是在谈,但不可否认的是,我们已经慢慢地从军事同盟(military allies)往经济伙伴(economic partnership)飘移,

4. 同盟:在派系设定中还有4个选项: 1, 同盟(Allies),开启后同一派系中的所有势力均为同盟军. 2, 随机的启动位置(Random Start Location),开启后进入游戏时电脑将为同一派系中的每一势力随机选择一开始地点,若有地点设定则随机选择一种颜色.

allies 单语例句

1. The picture was widely regarded as a symbol of the doggedness shown by Chinese people and their American allies in the War.

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2. A cabinet minister also confirmed that the prime minister had been discussing the possibility of a Miliband challenge with his closest allies.


3. Gates also made an urgent call for NATO allies to live up to their promises to supply military and economic aid for Afghanistan.

4. Yushchenko's allies sought to persuade thousands of activists to dismantle a tent camp sent up in central Kiev last month to back their candidate.

5. It also serves to set the record straight against wanton distortion by the opposition camp and its media allies to mislead the public.

6. But the trims amounted to a tiny fraction of the new spending he wants, and some have already been nixed by allies on Capitol Hill.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. But the cartel agreed to have OPEC finance ministers discuss the idea, and the two allies'move showed their potential for stirring up problems for the US.

8. ESDP stands for European Security and Defense Program, the rubric under which European allies have sought to carve out a distinct defense policy.

9. International allies will pledge at least $ 500 million for Karzai's program, but Western diplomats said the money would not pay for cash inducements.

10. A solid Democratic Party victory would end a deadlock in parliament, where the party and its allies already control the less powerful upper chamber.

allies 英英释义


1. an alliance of nations joining together to fight a common enemy