
blighter [ˈblaɪtə(r)]  [ˈblaɪtɚ] 



blighter 基本解释



blighter 相关例句


1. We are for you against other blighters.

2. You lucky blighter!

blighter 网络解释

1. 讨厌的家伙:blight 枯萎病 | blighter 讨厌的家伙 | Blighty 英国本土

2. 可厌的家伙:blightedgrain 秕子 | blighter 可厌的家伙 | blighterperisher 讨厌的人

3. 讨厌鬼,下流胚:lighter点火者 | blighter讨厌鬼,下流胚 | moonlighter 非法卖酒的人,同时做两个职业的人,参与夜袭者

4. 讨厌的家伙, 可厌的家伙, 笨蛋:blighted || 毁灭的 | blighter || 讨厌的家伙, 可厌的家伙, 笨蛋 | Blightox || 代森锌

blighter 双语例句

1. I told that blighter not to come here again!


2. We are for you against other blighter s.

3. The blighter must've worn it so long that some of it Evil rubbed off.

4. You are a lucky blighter!


5. I am old enough to remember working in offices where there was no wireless, where laptops were prohibitively expensive, and where if you wanted to carry a file around, you saved the little blighter on to a floppy disk.

6. He was a nasty little blighter.

7. Lucky blighter, thought King.

8. Xiangzi was sitting in the marquee. What an ugly blighter he was, with that scar on his face jade-green in the lamplight!


9. I do not know that he had a criminal record, but the blighter stank of black market.

10. I don't know that he had a criminal record, but the blighter of black market.

11. He was a nasty bit of work I don't know that he had a criminal record, but the blighter stank of black market.

blighter 词典解释

1. 可恶的家伙;讨厌鬼
    You can refer to someone you do not like as a blighter .

    e.g. He was a nasty little blighter.

2. 家伙
    You can use blighter as an informal way of referring to someone.

    e.g. Lucky blighter, thought King.

blighter 单语例句

1. Shine the light of your countenance upon us, you miserable blighter.

2. But what a blighter you proved to be, showing there was money where your mouth was.

blighter 英英释义


1. a boy or man

    e.g. that chap is your host
           there's a fellow at the door
           he's a likable cuss
           he's a good bloke

    Synonym: chap fellow feller fella lad gent cuss bloke

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. a persistently annoying person

    Synonym: pest cuss pesterer gadfly