
feller ['felə]  [ˈfɛlɚ] 

feller 基本解释



feller 网络解释

1. 费勒:如美国的多元分析专家H.霍太林(Hotelling),S.S.威尔克斯(Wilks),频率曲线专家C.C.克莱格(Craig),概率专家W.费勒(Feller)等都到过该系,这对许宝騄的学术思想和研究方向都有影响.他一生中主要的贡献是在多元分析和极限定理这两方面,

2. 伐木机:feet 英尺 | feller 伐木机 | felling machine 伐木机

3. 樵夫:fellah 农夫 | feller 樵夫 | fellmonger 皮革商

4. 伐木工:feldspatite长石岩 | feller伐木工 | felloe轮缘

feller 单语例句

1. " I don't think he'd get my vote, " Feller said by telephone.

2. Hall of Fame pitcher Bob Feller wasn't swayed by anything Clemens had to say.

feller 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. a boy or man

    e.g. that chap is your host
           there's a fellow at the door
           he's a likable cuss
           he's a good bloke

    Synonym: chap fellow fella lad gent blighter cuss bloke

2. danci.911cha.com

2. a person who fells trees

    Synonym: lumberman lumberjack logger faller