
lad [læd]  [læd] 



lad 基本解释


名词少年,小伙子; 〈口〉伙伴,老朋友; 〈英〉管赛马房的马夫; 〈俚〉情人

lad 同义词

名词youth boy

lad 反义词



lad 相关例句



1. How have you been lately, my lad?

lad 网络解释

1. 男孩:象形词义串联记忆背诵句一,3 字母类同~ad 串记:坏(bad)男孩(lad),疯(mad)爹的(dad),坐在垫子(pad)上悲哀的(sad). 同~ag 串记:落后(lag)袋子(bag)用破布(rag)做标签(tag). 同 a~m 串记:瞄准(aim)用武器(arm).

2. 罗安达:迪拜 (DXB) 罗安达 (LAD)从迪拜 (DXB)飞往罗安达 (LAD)的直飞航班迪拜 (DXB) 罗安达 (LAD)迪拜 (DXB) 罗安达 (LAD)迪拜 (DXB) 罗安达 (LAD)从迪拜 (DXB)飞往罗安达 (LAD)的转接航班迪拜 (DXB) 罗安达 (LAD)

3. lad:the left anterior descending; 左前降支

4. lad:lactic acid dehydrogenase; 乳酸脱氢酶

5. lad:left atrium diameter; 左房内径

6. lad:left anterior descending branch; 前降支

lad 词典解释

1. 小伙子;年轻人;少年;男孩
    A lad is a young man or boy.

    e.g. When I was a lad his age I would laugh at the strangest things...
    e.g. Come along, lad. Time for you to get home.

2. 伙计;兄弟;哥们儿
    Some men refer to their male friends or colleagues as the lads .

    e.g. ...a drink with the lads...
    e.g. The lads don't join the union because they're frightened of being victimized.

lad 单语例句

1. lad的反义词

1. Carelessly, the young lad stuck a metal tube into the sink.

2. Maybe he has accomplished his evolution from a cocky lad to a mature man.

3. lad的近义词

3. When authorities finally brought the lad to the scene around 6 pm, she was almost frozen stiff and had to be helped to the ground by firefighters.

4. lad的近义词

4. " There is nothing wrong with the lad or his fitness, " Ferguson said.

5. But newsstand sales have slipped recently in a sign that young men may not find the lad mags as much of a novelty.

6. lad的意思

6. After they remonstrated with the man, he finally released the lad and promised to no longer punish him so severely.

7. The lad decided to take matters into his own hands after discovering his father was planning to get a divorce.

8. Police found nothing about the robbery and suspected the lad of having a fertile imagination.

9. Xiao Hui's mother was awarded custody of the lad when she divorced his father four years ago.

10. lad的解释

10. According to the story, the lad lived in its lightless stomach for several years.

lad 英英释义



1. a male child (a familiar term of address to a boy)

    Synonym: cub laddie sonny sonny boy

2. a boy or man

    e.g. that chap is your host
           there's a fellow at the door
           he's a likable cuss
           he's a good bloke

    Synonym: chap fellow feller fella gent blighter cuss bloke