1. 线框:首先, 各位先得对3DS MAX 和 Combustion的一些基本功能有所了解. 比如, 建立Combustion线框(Gizmo), 视频输出(Video Post), 泛光灯(Omni)等. 好了,闲话少说, 现在开始...:
3. 小发明:giving 礼物 | gizmo 小发明 | gizzard 砂囊
4. 小玩意 控制器:Get Shape 取得截面造型 | Gizmo 小玩意 控制器 | Gradient Type 渐变类型
1. 小玩意儿;小装置
A gizmo is a device or small machine which performs a particular task, usually in a new and efficient way. People often use gizmo to refer to a device or machine when they do not know what it is really called.
e.g. ...a plastic gizmo for holding a coffee cup on the dashboard.
1. A group of DIY gizmo and robot inventors seek to rewire their futures.
2. Her friend Richard James had tipped her off about an invaluable little gizmo that she carried with her while wandering and singing alfresco.
3. Gizmo lovers can enjoy several new sweet fruits of electronics company Apple's labor this autumn.
1. a device or control that is very useful for a particular job
Synonym: appliance contraption contrivance convenience gadget gismo widget
2. something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or not known
e.g. she eased the ball-shaped doodad back into its socket
there may be some great new gizmo around the corner that you will want to use
Synonym: doodad doohickey doojigger gimmick gismo gubbins thingamabob thingumabob thingmabob thingamajig thingumajig thingmajig thingummy whatchamacallit whatchamacallum whatsis widget