1. 构件:(1) 构件(widget)的概念 在Gtk+库里的窗口、选单和按钮等应用实体,我们称之为构件(widget). 构件具有面向对象的特征,其具体结构由Gtk+库定义,它对运用构件的程序员来说是透明的,除非你想创建自己的构件. 在对构件进行安排时,
2. 窗口小部件:主要特性包括:扩展性和可更换皮肤的窗口小 部件(widget)系统,多线程架构,基于事件的线程交互系统,LocationAPI ,网络通信处理功能,强大的字符串和图像公共类.
1. " TV Widget " software, which offers links to popular websites.
2. The widget is still in development and is being tested among select members of Google's own staff before it is introduced to the wider public.
3. The council has also devised a UV Alert web widget aimed at organisations such as sports clubs.
4. Widget as malware and misled users of " Qihoo 360 Safeguard " to delete the Yahoo!
1. a device or control that is very useful for a particular job
Synonym: appliance contraption contrivance convenience gadget gizmo gismo
2. something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or not known
e.g. she eased the ball-shaped doodad back into its socket
there may be some great new gizmo around the corner that you will want to use
Synonym: doodad doohickey doojigger gimmick gizmo gismo gubbins thingamabob thingumabob thingmabob thingamajig thingumajig thingmajig thingummy whatchamacallit whatchamacallum whatsis