
languish [ˈlæŋgwɪʃ]  [ˈlæŋɡwɪʃ] 








languish 基本解释


不及物动词憔悴,潦倒; (草木等)凋萎; 失去活力; 烦恼,焦思

名词憔悴; 惹人怜爱的感伤模样[倦态等]; 脉脉含情

languish 同义词

动词ebb fade

languish 反义词


不及物动词encourage inspire thrive flourish satiate

languish 相关例句



1. The flowers languished from lack of water.

2. We all languished in the tropical climate.

3. She languished for her children who had migrated to Australia.

4. His interest in the poetry has languished recently.

5. His vigilance never languished.

languish 网络解释

1. 衰弱:一再填充才相关(affiliate),向下五度才偏离(deviate),一再离开得减轻(alleviate)重画只能放弃(relinquish),完成才会征服(vanquish),生气才会痛苦(anguish),懒鬼才会衰弱(languish)表达清楚有艺术(articulate),

2. 憔悴:languish for 因渴望而苦恼 | languish 憔悴 | languisher 衰弱者

3. 凋谢;憔悴:language 语言 | languish 凋谢;憔悴 | lantern 灯笼

4. 憔悴,凋萎,衰弱 anguish 使极为痛苦:unflappable 不慌张的,镇定的,flap 拍打 | languish 憔悴,凋萎,衰弱 anguish 使极为痛苦 | spleen 脾脏,坏脾气

languish 词典解释

1. languish的近义词

1. (被迫)受苦,受折磨
    If someone languishes somewhere, they are forced to remain and suffer in an unpleasant situation.

    e.g. Pollard continues to languish in prison...
    e.g. No one knows for certain how many refugees wander the world today, or languish in camps without a permanent place of settlement.

2. 中落;衰败;衰落
    If something languishes, it is not successful, often because of a lack of effort or because of a lot of difficulties.

    e.g. Without the founder's drive and direction, the company gradually languished...
    e.g. New products languish on the drawing board.

languish 单语例句

1. Critics accused Howard of allowing Hicks to languish at Guantanamo for years without a trial, and Hicks claimed he was tortured at the detention center.

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2. Immigrants were rounded up and forced to languish in what the Justice Department's own inspector general found were often " unduly harsh " conditions.

3. " Our services sector continues to languish and that is not a very good sign, " Lim said.

4. He has opted to join Argentina's Boca for an undisclosed fee rather than languish in the reserves at Anfield.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Many sovereign wealth funds have seen their overseas investments languish due to the global financial crisis.

6. Many SMEs languish under the financial pressure of the rising costs of materials and labor.

languish 英英释义


1. languish

1. become feeble

    e.g. The prisoner has be languishing for years in the dungeon

    Synonym: fade

2. lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief

    e.g. After her husband died, she just pined away

    Synonym: pine away waste


3. have a desire for something or someone who is not present

    e.g. She ached for a cigarette
           I am pining for my lover

    Synonym: ache yearn yen pine