
poetry [ˈpəʊətri]  [ˈpoʊətri] 

poetry 基本解释

名词诗,诗歌; 诗意,诗情; 作诗; 诗歌艺术

poetry 同义词

名词rhyme lyric verse ode

poetry 反义词


poetry 相关例句



1. You don't understand the poetry of life.

2. He was very fond of writing and reciting poetry.

3. Her dancing is pure poetry.

4. Shakespeare and Milton were masters of English poetry.

poetry 网络解释


1. 诗意:所以,广义的诗即指诗意(Poetry),它是一个动态的开放的概念,是诗的原形. 与此对应,诗人包括能写和不能写(或不愿写)的两种,前者是诗人,后者是诗意的人. 诗大不过诗意,诗是诗意栖居的表征. 正因为此,诗是人类的目标.

2. [<<诗刊>:该奖由美国药业巨头继承人露丝.里利(RuthLilly)创设于1986年,由创办于1912年的芝加哥<<诗刊>>(Poetry)杂志负责评选. 2002年,露丝.里利在所立遗嘱中,承诺再向<<诗刊>>捐资1亿美元,成为轰动一时的新闻.

poetry 词典解释

1. (作为文学形式的)诗,诗歌,韵文
    Poems, considered as a form of literature, are referred to as poetry .

    e.g. ...Russian poetry...
    e.g. Lawrence Durrell wrote a great deal of poetry...

2. 诗的意境;诗一般美的事物
    You can describe something very beautiful as poetry .

    e.g. His music is purer poetry than a poem in words.

poetry 单语例句

1. Melancholy drove them to poetry, and they sought refuge in art as their kingdom weakened by the day.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Calligrapher Zhang Biao donated his calligraphy works and more than 500 copies of his 2007 book Collection of Poetry and Calligraphy Works.

3. Some villagers living near the site have already built temporary stands hawking souvenirs from photo services to calligraphy of Cao's poetry.

4. The programme will include a cantata, recitation of Mao's poetry and tenor and soprano solos.

5. poetry的翻译

5. Carrying forward the tradition of ancient poetry and common speech, the art is also of very high literary value.

6. He made a splashy start to his campaign with a nationally televised address surrounded by supporters cheering and reciting poetry in his honor.

7. poetry的反义词

7. It is recorded that Su Dongpo and his father once sat drinking tea here whilst composing poetry.

8. Her creations feature vigorous colors and lines and simple composition, with a touch of poetry and philosophy.

9. He taught himself Chinese prose composition in 1981, and his poems have won prizes in a national poetry competition in 1989.

10. The corollary to this is that if they go on writing poetry, they can devote themselves to true literature.

poetry 英英释义


1. literature in metrical form

    Synonym: poesy verse

2. any communication resembling poetry in beauty or the evocation of feeling