
queer [kwɪə(r)]  [kwɪr] 






queer 基本解释


形容词古怪的; 可疑的; 不适的; 〈俚〉同性恋的

名词<贬>同性恋者; 怪人; 伪造的货币

及物动词搞糟; 使陷于不利地位

queer 同义词

形容词homosexual strange weird curious deviant odd peculiar eccentric

queer 反义词


形容词common regular ordinary usual normal

queer 相关词组

1. in queer street : 陷入困境, 经济困难, 负债;

2. feel queer : 觉得不舒服;

queer 相关例句


1. That's queer indeed!

2. She has been queer lately.

3. He is a queer character.

4. He was queer for poker.


1. His blunder would certainly queer his chances of promotion.

queer 网络解释


1. 古怪的:只是谬误理论接着认为上面提到的决定道德判断和道德信念的事实是一种古怪的(queer)实体,这种东西在世界中是根本不存在的,因此所有的道德判断和道德信念就都是错误的.

2. 奇:又如queer(好奇的)也是说女人(q)无知,很空(u),瞪大两个眼睛(ee),还招手(r),向你发问,显出很好奇(queer)的样子. r又很象植物发芽,分枝的状态,如branch(分支). 河流一般都有分支,所以river指河流. 又如brother(兄弟),b上小下大,

queer 词典解释

1. queer什么意思

1. 古怪的;奇特的;异常的
    Something that is queer is strange.

    e.g. If you ask me, there's something a bit queer going on.

2. 同性恋男子
    People sometimes call homosexual men queers .

3. (某些同性恋者用语)同性恋的
    Queer means relating to homosexual people, and is used by some homosexuals.

    e.g. ...contemporary queer culture.
    e.g. ...queer activism.

queer 单语例句

1. Julian Bennett from the British version of " Queer Eye for the Straight Guy " suggested the students look to the French gendarmes'for inspiration.

2. queer

2. Words such as " queer ", " hermaphrodite " and " sissy " were hurled at him right up to high school.

3. queer的解释

3. Although it was considered something queer by some orthodox European educators at the initial stage, but it managed to develop after all.

4. queer什么意思

4. The Queer Lion award is finally coming to the Venice Film Festival after four years of negotiations.

5. The measures may queer the pitch for exporters, as outside of the US these are the major export destinations for Chinese exporters.

6. TV personalities have been asked to abandon " queer " dressing and " colorful " hairdos and mind their language.

7. queer

7. Ma's paintings are equally queer, often featuring a baby with a fully adult head.

8. queer是什么意思

8. " Many people don't really have a chance to see Chinese queer films, " said Xiao.

9. queer的翻译

9. The Beijing Queer Film Festival 2009 made headlines this year precisely because it was not.

10. The name Queer Lion is a take on Venice's main prize, the Golden Lion.

queer 英英释义


1. offensive term for an openly homosexual man

    Synonym: fagot faggot fag fairy nance pansy queen poof poove pouf


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position

    Synonym: expose scupper endanger peril

2. hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of

    e.g. What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge
           foil your opponent

    Synonym: thwart spoil scotch foil cross frustrate baffle bilk


1. beyond or deviating from the usual or expected

    e.g. a curious hybrid accent
           her speech has a funny twang
           they have some funny ideas about war
           had an odd name
           the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves
           something definitely queer about this town
           what a rum fellow
           singular behavior

    Synonym: curious funny odd peculiar rum rummy singular

2. homosexual or arousing homosexual desires

    Synonym: gay homophile(a)