
result [rɪˈzʌlt]  [rɪˈzʌlt] 







result 基本解释

名词结果; (尤指足球比赛的)胜利; [体]比分; 成功实现的事

不及物动词发生,产生; 归结为,导致; 后果,终结; 由…而造成[产生]

result 同义词


名词consequence conclusion outcome upshot effect fruit event end

result 反义词



result 相关词组

1. with the result that : 其结果是...;

2. without result : adv. 毫无结果;

3. in result : 结果;

4. result from : 由...产生;

5. as a result of : 作为结果;

result 相关例句



1. Acting before thinking always results in failure.

2. His failure resulted largely from his laziness.

3. The accident resulted in ten deaths.


1. The result of the match was 2-1 to Chicago.

2. The attempt was made without result.

result 网络解释


1. 成绩:拿到的证书上给我写下的成绩(RESULT)是03:39:01,名次(BANK)是319. 这是第二张马拉松成绩证书,成绩与名次都比第一张要好了,但没有第一次时的感动,显然也没有第一次时的孤独. 因为有了第一张马拉松成绩证书,得以认识了许多爱好马拉松跑的朋友,

2. 最后的结果:2.相关经验STAR:注重说明在什么背景(时间,场所..SITUATION)做过什么样的工作/项目(TASK),这个工作/项目最好与所应聘工作相关,怎么做的,和谁一起做的,自己在团队中的角色(ACTION),最后的结果(RESULT)2.3针对每个职位的技能要求都要有针对性的修改个人简历,

3. 成果:也向部属及客户展现了他对转型的决心与信诺.绩效支援系统公司(Performance Support Systems)执行长寇提斯(Dennis Coates)指出, 大多数企业的绩效管理制度无法有效改善绩效表现, 主要原因是未能区分绩效管理的两个层面 : 流程(process)与成果(result).

result 词典解释


1. 结果;后果;成果;效果
    A result is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened.

    e.g. Compensation is available for people who have developed asthma as a direct result of their work...
    e.g. A real pizza oven gives better results than an ordinary home oven.

2. 导致;引起;造成
    If something results in a particular situation or event, it causes that situation or event to happen.

    e.g. Fifty per cent of road accidents result in head injuries...
    e.g. Regular trips back to her adopted motherland have resulted in her first book, Tiger Balm.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 由…产生;由…引起
    If something results from a particular event or action, it is caused by that event or action.

    e.g. Many hair problems result from what you eat...
    e.g. Ignore the early warnings and illness could result.

4. (比赛的)结果,结局
    A result is the situation that exists at the end of a contest.

    e.g. 'What was the result?' — 'One-nil to Leeds.'...
    e.g. The final election results will be announced on Friday.

5. (计算的)结果;得数
    A result is the number that you get when you do a calculation.

    e.g. They found their computers producing different results from exactly the same calculation.

6. (考试的)成绩,分数
    Your results are the marks or grades that you get for examinations you have taken.

    e.g. Kate's exam results were excellent.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用scores
result 单语例句

1. It now has a single operating system that has increased business efficiency by 30 percent, the result said.

2. result什么意思

2. The company said the result had not been audited, and it would announce specific figures in the annual business report.

3. He did not reveal the source of that information and said the reductions would be the result of adjustments to the company's business structure.

4. The firm moved its office in Shanghai to a larger building in May as a result of increased business volume in the Yangtze River Delta.

5. But for the upcoming Beijing Games, Zhang is wary about predicting a result.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Butcher's remarks came as a result of his confidence in the robust Chinese economy.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Zhang said the company will be able to lower its borrowing costs as a result of the buy back.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. As a result, tens of thousands of Potter fans flocked to buy the book via popular websites.

9. The buying spree is a direct result of China's growing energy demand.

10. The " Wolf Clause " was a result of compromise made by Obama to Republicans to avoid possible bankruptcy of the US government.

result 英英释义



1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. the semantic role of the noun phrase whose referent exists only by virtue of the activity denoted by the verb in the clause

    Synonym: resultant role

2. a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem

    e.g. they were trying to find a peaceful solution
           the answers were in the back of the book
           he computed the result to four decimal places

    Synonym: solution answer resolution solvent

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. something that results

    e.g. he listened for the results on the radio

    Synonym: resultant final result outcome termination

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon

    e.g. the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise
           his decision had depressing consequences for business
           he acted very wise after the event

    Synonym: consequence effect outcome event issue upshot


1. come about or follow as a consequence

    e.g. nothing will result from this meeting

2. issue or terminate (in a specified way, state, etc.)

    e.g. result in tragedy

    Synonym: ensue

3. have as a result or residue

    e.g. The water left a mark on the silk dress
           Her blood left a stain on the napkin

    Synonym: leave lead