
stimulate [ˈstɪmjuleɪt]  [ˈstɪmjəˌlet] 






stimulate 基本解释

及物动词刺激; 激励,鼓舞; 使兴奋

不及物动词起兴奋作用; 起促进作用; 起刺激作用

stimulate 同义词


动词move stir activate induce spur energize excite motivate rouse invigorate

stimulate 反义词


stimulate 相关例句


1. The optical system of the eye stimulates cells of the retina.

2. Exercise stimulates the flow of blood.

3. Light stimulates the optic nerve.

4. The government will do everything in its power to stimulate economic growth.

5. Alcohol stimulates the action of the heart.

stimulate 网络解释


1. 激发:美国新闻评论人明白,仅仅形成一个吸引人的或令人震惊的结构是不够的,在这之后,还要把握写作技巧,让新闻评论的思想逐步前行,从而得出一个有意义的,即激发(Stimulate)受众、解释(Explain)问题、提出解决问题的主张(Advocate)结论才

2. 激励:reject)的人酚类精油主要具有滋补(tonic)/激励(stimulate)的作用适合处于虚脱状态(exhaustion stage)的人是一个可以在多个层面平衡(balance)的精油在情绪层面(emotion)很有效规律(regulate)排卵1/2 同属倍半萜烯类精油- 天蓝烃,

stimulate 词典解释

1. stimulate

1. 刺激;激励;促使;促起
    To stimulate something means to encourage it to begin or develop further.

    e.g. America's priority is rightly to stimulate its economy...
    e.g. The Russian health service has stimulated public interest in home cures.

stimulation economy in need of stimulation.

2. 激发;激励;使充满热情
    If you are stimulated by something, it makes you feel full of ideas and enthusiasm.

    e.g. Bill was stimulated by the challenge...
    e.g. I was stimulated to examine my deepest thoughts.

It is a complex yet stimulating book...
The atmosphere was always stimulating.
Many enjoy the mental stimulation of a challenging job.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 刺激(身体部位);使活跃
    If something stimulates a part of a person's body, it causes it to move or start working.

    e.g. Exercise stimulates the digestive and excretory systems...
    e.g. The production of melanin in the skin is stimulated by exposure to the sun...

...the stimulating effect of adrenaline.
...physical stimulation.
...the chemical stimulation of drugs.
stimulate 单语例句

1. Lin said a flexible policy must be followed to activate the market and stimulate development of the aquatic products business.

2. Zhao said it was an active way to promote housing circulation and stimulate purchasing.

3. stimulate

3. A sense of social responsibility should be inculcated in banks to stimulate them to play an active role in the green credit policy.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. It is also a necessary step to stimulate healthy development of a private capital market and to boost economic structure transformation.

5. Initially it is important to focus on increasing carbohydrate intake because this provides the energy necessary to train and so stimulate muscle growth.

6. stimulate在线翻译

6. Ban urged governments and businesses to make investment flows better stimulate economic activity while promoting energy efficiency and green technology at the same time.

7. Just a hint of a caress is all it takes to stimulate a response.

8. The new policy is expected to stimulate deals in international transfer shipment, trade and cargo distribution.

9. The survey was conducted in regard to the proposed distribution of cash vouchers to stimulate the economy.

10. Scholars seem to increasingly favor cash vouchers, which are considered as a good measure to stimulate spending.

stimulate 英英释义



1. cause to be alert and energetic

    e.g. Coffee and tea stimulate me
           This herbal infusion doesn't stimulate

    Synonym: arouse brace energize energise perk up

2. act as a stimulant

    e.g. The book stimulated her imagination
           This play stimulates

    Synonym: excite

3. cause to do
    cause to act in a specified manner

    e.g. The ads induced me to buy a VCR
           My children finally got me to buy a computer
           My wife made me buy a new sofa

    Synonym: induce cause have get make

4. stimulate

4. provide the needed stimulus for

    Synonym: provoke

5. cause to occur rapidly

    e.g. the infection precipitated a high fever and allergic reactions

    Synonym: induce rush hasten

6. stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of

    e.g. These stories shook the community
           the civil war shook the country

    Synonym: shake shake up excite stir

7. stir feelings in

    e.g. stimulate my appetite
           excite the audience
           stir emotions

    Synonym: excite stir