
epitome [ɪˈpɪtəmi]  [ɪˈpɪtəmi] 


epitome 基本解释

名词缩影; 典型的人或事物; (书、演讲等的)摘要

epitome 相关例句


1. He is the epitome of goodness.

2. In his eye, the cat is the epitome of laziness.

epitome 网络解释


1. 缩影:一般人的行为模式往往是长久以来个体生活缩影(epitome)的反映,生活集体行动的产生.大部份以行为模式为研究取向的文献,个体产出(output)的的层面之一.社会学探究的途径(approach)强调行为的模式受到外在环境的影理性抉择(rational choice)则是另一种的研究途径,

2. 波缩:Epitaxial-Growth Mesa Transistor 晶膜生长台面晶体管 | Epitome 波缩 | EPOP 电子采购点

3. 摘要:epithetical 形容语句的 | epitome 摘要 | epitomist 写节录者

4. 提要:epistolary novel 书信体小说 | epitome 提要 | erratum 勘误表

epitome 词典解释

1. 典型;缩影
    If you say that a person or thing is the epitome of something, you are emphasizing that they are the best possible example of a particular type of person or thing.

    e.g. Maureen was the epitome of sophistication...
    e.g. The Dorchester Hotel is the epitome of luxury in the heart of London.

epitome 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Forget the quintessential image of the British butler as the epitome of discreet decorum.

2. epitome的反义词

2. The zone is the epitome of Hangzhou's ongoing quest to carve a new path to prosperity without putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. Chan's accusation is an epitome of academics'conceit and exclusiveness.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. Zhao's experience is the epitome of China's property market after the annual sessions of the nation's top legislature and the political advisory body in March.

5. " What we saw in the CALT was just an epitome of Beijing's county direct election, " said Guo Jinzhong.

6. " Our museum is an epitome of Xinjiang history, " Kasim smiled.

7. The " miraculous " rebirth of Wenchuan will surely lend fresh credit to the nationwide mobilization mechanism, which is justifiably highlighted as the epitome of systematic advantages.

8. In the 30 years since China began its market reforms, the PRD has been the main economic engine and the epitome of China's manufacturing strength.

9. Xiao treats this paradox as an epitome of special history, which triggered and inspired his research on Mao.

10. The Great Wall itself stands as an epitome of Chinese engineering, winding through the mountain ranges of northern China centuries after its construction.

epitome 英英释义


1. a standard or typical example

    e.g. he is the prototype of good breeding
           he provided America with an image of the good father

    Synonym: prototype paradigm image

2. a brief abstract (as of an article or book)