
prototype [ˈprəʊtətaɪp]  [ˈproʊtətaɪp] 


prototype 基本解释



prototype 网络解释

1. 原型,样机:毫无疑问,早期激光直接成像(LDI)技术采用者通常是那些需要快速精确制样周期快、原型样机(Prototype)或大容量生产商. 这些早期早期激光直接成像(LDI)模型能完美地满足这些生产商需求-节省时间和掩膜成本,同时提供高度灵活性和高精确性.

2. 样机:毫无疑问,早期激光直接成像(LDI)技术的采用者通常是那些需要快速精确制样的周期快、原型样机(Prototype)或大容量生产商. 这些早期的早期激光直接成像(LDI)模型能完美地满足这些生产商的需求-节省时间和掩膜成本,同时提供高度灵活性和高精确性.

3. 原形:部分PC安装各类游戏汉化补丁(包括虐杀原形汉化补丁)的时候可能会出现诺顿等极为严格的杀毒...,<<虐杀原形>>专题将为玩家提够最新的虐杀原形汉化版下载,视频,剧情,攻略,补丁,详细操作,游戏汉化及最强存档,<<虐杀原形>>(Prototype)的主角Alex Mercer本是一名在科学...,

prototype 词典解释

1. 原型;样品;样本
    A prototype is a new type of machine or device which is not yet ready to be made in large numbers and sold.

    e.g. Chris Retzler has built a prototype of a machine called the wave rotor.
    e.g. ...the first prototype aircraft.

2. 模范;典型
    If you say that someone or something is a prototype of a type of person or thing, you mean that they are the first or most typical one of that type.

    e.g. He was the prototype of the elder statesman.

prototype 单语例句

1. Chinese military fans are excited by the news that the country's second stealth fighter prototype has made its maiden flight.

2. The current prototype also gives the option of powering it with lithium ion batteries making it completely portable for camping and outdoor sportsman activities.

3. Initially established with prototype equipment in fall 2008, the facility has been upgraded to support commercial product releases for North America.

4. Europe would provide initial funds for developing the solar technology that will be needed to run plants as well as money for constructing prototype stations.

5. prototype

5. Entities at EU level are given more power on deciding Member States'policies, a prototype of " economic government " at EU level is looming ahead.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. The companies have also developed a fuel cell prototype, the Phoenix.

7. prototype的解释

7. The two companies have also developed a fuel cell prototype, the Phoenix.

8. A prototype is already on the road in Israel and various models will be sold by Renault and Nissan.

9. Jesse Levinson does not much worry when he drives his prototype Volkswagen Passat around the Stanford University campus here.

10. prototype

10. A Japanese firm said on Tuesday it had produced a prototype of the most lifelike robot in the world.

prototype 英英释义



1. prototype的意思

1. a standard or typical example

    e.g. he is the prototype of good breeding
           he provided America with an image of the good father

    Synonym: paradigm epitome image