
fat [fæt]  [fæt] 











fat 基本解释

形容词胖的; 肥的; 厚的; 大量的

名词脂肪; 肥肉; 动植物油

及物动词养肥; 在…中加入脂肪


fat 同义词


形容词chunky stout plump fleshy chubby tubby


名词oil lubrication grease

fat 反义词


形容词lean thin slender poor

fat 相关词组

1. a fat lot of : 不, 毫不;

fat 相关例句



1. They published their conclusions in one fat volume of a report.

2. The pods of the beans are getting fat.

3. The doctor told him to stay away from fat foods.

4. I think he's too fat.

fat 网络解释


1. 脂肪:天然燕窝,含水分10.40%,含氮(nitrogen)物质57.40%, 脂肪(fat)微量,无氮提出物22.00%,纤维(fiber)1.40%,灰分(ash) 8.70%. 去净毛的燕窝,其灰分为2.52%,可完全溶解于盐酸,内有磷0.035%,硫1.10%;燕窝水解,得还元糖至少17.36%(以葡萄糖计

2. fat:fluorescet antibody technique; 荧光抗体技术

3. fat:file assign table; 文件分配表

4. fat:fault tree theory; 故障树

5. fat:factory acceptance testing; 工厂验收试验

fat 词典解释

1. fat什么意思

1. (人或动物)肥胖的,肥的
    If you say that a person or animal is fat, you mean that they have a lot of flesh on their body and that they weigh too much. You usually use the word fat when you think that this is a bad thing.

    e.g. I could eat what I liked without getting fat...
    e.g. After five minutes, the fat woman in the seat in front of me was asleep.

No one knows whether a child's tendency towards fatness is inherited or due to the food he eats.
If you describe someone as fat, you are speaking in a very direct way, and this may be considered rude. If you want to say more politely that someone is rather fat, it is better to describe them as plump, or more informally, as chubby. Overweight and obese are used to describe someone who may have health problems because of their size or weight. Obese is also a medical term used to describe someone who is extremely fat or overweight. In general you should avoid using any of these words in the presence of the person you are describing.
用 fat 来形容某人肥胖过于直接,而且有可能会被认为没有礼貌。表达此意更礼貌的说法是 plump 或 chubby,其中 chubby更口语化。形容某人因块头过大或体重过重而出现健康问题时用 overweight 和 obese。obese 还是医学术语,用以形容某人极度肥胖或过重。一般说来,这些词都应该避免当面使用。

2. (动物或人的)肥肉,脂肪
    Fat is the extra flesh that animals and humans have under their skin, which is used to store energy and to help keep them warm.

    e.g. Because you're not burning calories, everything you eat turns to fat.

3. (烹饪用的)动植物油
    Fat is a solid or liquid substance obtained from animals or vegetables, which is used in cooking.

    e.g. When you use oil or fat for cooking, use as little as possible.
    e.g. ...vegetable fats, such as coconut oil and palm oil.

4. (食物中的)脂肪
    Fat is a substance contained in foods such as meat, cheese, and butter which forms an energy store in your body.

    e.g. An easy way to cut the amount of fat in your diet is to avoid eating red meats...
    e.g. Most low-fat yogurts are about 40 calories per 100g.

5. (尤指书)厚的,宽的
    A fat object, especially a book, is very thick or wide.

    e.g. ...'Europe in Figures', a fat book published on September 22nd...
           9 月 22 日出版的大部头书《数说欧洲》
    e.g. He took out his fat wallet and peeled off some notes.

6. (利润或费用)巨大的,丰厚的
    A fat profit or fee is a large one.

    e.g. They are set to make a big fat profit.

7. fat什么意思

7. 可能性不大;无甚可能
    If you say that there is fat chance of something happening, you mean that you do not believe that it will happen.

    e.g. 'Would your car be easy to steal?' — 'Fat chance. I've got a device that shuts down the gas and ignition.'

8. fat在线翻译

8. (靠…)发财,致富,大发横财,肥起来
    If you say that a person or organization has grown fat on something, you mean that they have become very rich as a result of it.

    e.g. Liverpool grew fat on the basis of the slave trade.

9. 无济于事;于事无补;毫无用处
      If you say that something is a fat lot of good or a fat lot of help, you are saying rudely that it is no good or no help at all.

      e.g. 'I think we should go in and hammer them.' — 'And a fat lot of good that would do us.'

fat 单语例句

1. We call the fat cocoa butter, and you can use it to make everything from white chocolate to tanning products.

2. High calcium and low fat content are the major features emphasized by manufacturers, especially when targeting women and children.

3. Analysts say that this isn't an easy call for an economy that has grown fat on the back of cheap labor and ready exports.

4. Despite the government control, illegal production remains active for fat profits from surging rare earth prices.

5. But the German study shows that the fat content does not cancel out the beneficial effects - at least where small portions are concerned.

6. A new study has challenged the popular notion that a high carbohydrate, low fat slimming plan only works if there's little or no sugar involved.

7. When asked the proportion of the raw materials, the man said the mix was 60 percent cardboard to 40 percent pork fat.

8. Tracy also regularly sweats it out with Madonna and Gwyneth, using a cardio dance aerobics programme she created to help clients lose fat.

9. Many employees'salaries are still distributed in fat envelopes of cash rather than by check or direct deposit.

10. Researchers have known that people gain and lose weight at least in part by changing how much fat is in their fat cells.

fat 英英释义


1. fat的翻译

1. excess bodily weight

    e.g. she disliked fatness in herself as well as in others

    Synonym: fatness blubber avoirdupois

2. fat在线翻译

2. a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy
    it also cushions and insulates vital organs

    e.g. fatty tissue protected them from the severe cold

    Synonym: adipose tissue fatty tissue

3. a soft greasy substance occurring in organic tissue and consisting of a mixture of lipids (mostly triglycerides)

    e.g. pizza has too much fat


1. make fat or plump

    e.g. We will plump out that poor starving child

    Synonym: fatten flesh out fill out plump plump out fatten out fatten up


1. having an (over)abundance of flesh

    e.g. he hadn't remembered how fat she was

2. containing or composed of fat

    e.g. fatty food
           fat tissue

    Synonym: fatty

3. marked by great fruitfulness

    e.g. fertile farmland
           a fat land
           a productive vineyard
           rich soil

    Synonym: fertile productive rich

4. lucrative

    e.g. a juicy contract
           a nice fat job

    Synonym: juicy

5. having a relatively large diameter

    e.g. a fat rope